Géoglif Nazka: Béda antarrépisi

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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: eo → éo, Kusabab → ku sabab (2) using AWB
Baris ka-1:
[[Gambar:Nazca_bird.jpg|thumb|320px|Poto udara géoglif Nazka nu ngagambarkeun manuk]]
'''Géoglif Nazka''' nujul ka [[géoglif]] raksasa nu aya di [[tegalan Nazka]], pasir datar nu manjang ti kota [[Nazka]] nepi ka [[Palpa (Péru)|Palpa]] nu jauhna 53 mil, di Pampas de [[Jumana]], [[Péru]]. Ieu géoglif dijieun ku [[kabudayaan Nazka]] antara [[200 SM]] jeung [[600 M]]. Di tempat éta aya ratusan gambar, ti mimiti garis basajan nepi ka gambar [[kolibri]], [[lancah]], [[monyét]], jeung [[kadal]]. Kusababku sabab ukuranana raksasa, bungkeuleukan gambar-gambar ieu ukur bisa ditempo ti udara. Kusababku sabab kitu, nepi ka kiwari masih dipadungdengkeun ngeunaan kamampuh jeung motivasi urang Nazka nyieun ieu karya.
== Papanggihan ==
Baris ka-6:
Anu munggaran nyebut-nyebut sababaraha karya Nazka téh [[Pedro de Cieza de León]] taun [[1547]]. Manéhna medar sababaraha glif nu digambar dina gawir sahingga bisa katempo ti darat.
Dina mangsa modéren, ieu karya mimiti kanyahoan nalika ayana [[kapal udara]] nu hiber luhureun tegalan Péru taun [[1920-an]]. Taun [[1927]], [[Toribio Mejia Xespe]], dokter sakaligus ahli [[antropologi]] Péru mimiti kataji pikeun sacara ilmiah nalungtik nu ku manéhna sorangan disebut "artéfak agung upacara [[Ingka]]".
Survéy sistimatik jeung ilmiah ngeunaan glif Nazka mitambeyan dijalankeun taun [[1930-an]], dipingpin ku [[Paul Kosok]] jeung [[Maria Reiche]]. Reiche lajeng mingpin ieu panalungtikan ti taun [[1946]] nepi ka pupusna taun [[1998]]. Hasil tarékahna nyaéta ku dijadikeunana ieu situs salaku [[Situs Warisan Dunya]] [[UNESCO]] taun [[1995]]. Ti harita, panalungtikan migunakeun poto udara jeung [[satelit]] beuki giat. Hasilna, [[Cahuachi]], hiji kota Nazka, kapanggih di sabudeureun sisi pasirna. Ieu kota diwangun kira 2.000 taun ka tukang, tapi lajeng ditinggalkeun 500 taun salajengna.
Baris ka-24:
===Alternative Theories===
Kosok and Reiche advanced one of the earliest reasons given for the Nazca Lines: that they were intended to point to the places on the distant horizon where the Sun and other celestial bodies rose or set. This hypothesis was evaluated by two different experts in [[archaeoastronomy]], Gerald Hawkins and Anthony Aveni, and they both concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support an astronomical explanation.
It has been proposed by some (for example [[Jim Woodmann]]) that the Nazcan lines presuppose some form of manned flight (in order to see them) and that a hot air balloon was the only possible available technology. Woodmann actually made a hot air balloon from materials and using techniques that would have been available to people at the time in order to test this hypothesis. The balloon flew (after a fashion) demonstrating that this hypothesis was possible, but there is no hard evidence either way.
Baris ka-50:
* [http://agutie.homestead.com/files/Nazca_Lines.htm Nazca Lines] by Antonio Gutierrez from "Geometry Step by Step from the Land of the Incas" (plays music)
* [http://www.trekker.co.il/english/peru-nasca-lines.htm Nazca Lines] site information
* [http://rosset.org/photography/nazca/index.htm Nazca Lines] Photos of Nazca lines and figures by GeorgesGéorges Rosset
* [http://www.travel-to-peru.org/hotels-peru-tours-peru-travel/ica-peru-nazca-lines.html Nazca Lines Information and Photos ]
* [http://www.mysteryperu.com MysteryPeru.com]