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Shrikarsan (obrolan | kontribusi)
clean up, replaced: {{main| → {{utama| (3) using AWB
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: mangrupakeun → mangrupa (3), ea → éa, eo → éo, kusabab → ku sabab using AWB
Baris ka-1:
[[Gambar:SickGirlInPyjamas.jpg|thumb|Budak [[Awéwé]] keur saré]]
'''Saré''' atawa '''héés''' (''[[Tatakrama Basa Sunda|lemesna]]'':'''kulem''') mangrupakeunmangrupa bentuk-maneuh reureuh sacara alami anu aya dina sakabéh [[mamalia]], [[manuk]] jeung [[lauk]]. Saré teu kaasup "kaayaan teu sadar" (''unconsciousness''), tapi mangrupa bentuk alami reureuh nu dicirikeun ku ojah awak nu ngurangan sarta nurunna kaawas kana kaayaan sakurilingna. Ku kituna, kusababku sabab [[kasadaran]] (''consciousness'') hartina kaawas ka sakuriling, saré mah ukur bentuk kagangguna kasadaran. Anu paling mangaruhan saré téh nyaéta [[ritme sirkadian]] jeung [[hormon]], ditambah pangaruh. Saré téh sigana mah ngajalankeun pancén réstoratif pikeun awak jeung [[uteuk]], sakumaha dibuktikeun ku gejala/simtom rupa-rupa disfungsi métabolik nalika rupa-rupa sasatoan keur saré (Gottlieb ''et al''., 2005).
Kiwari, pungsi saré pikeun kaséhatan jeung kasakit téh keur loba ditalungtik, utamana di nagara-nagara maju kayaning Jepang jeung AS. Teu ukur [[insomnia]], kasakit lianna kayaning ''sleep apnea'' jeung [[narkolépsi]] ogé ditalungtik.
Baris ka-56:
<!--The demonstrably necessary phenomenon of dreaming would suffice to prove the importance of sleep to humans, and perhaps to other animals as well. Dreaming involves an involuntary conjuring up of images in a sequence in which the sleeper/dreamer is usually more a participant than an observer. Most scientists agree that dreaming is stimulated by the [[pons]] and occurs during the [[Rapid Eye Movement|REM]] phase of sleep.
Aya sawatara fungsi nu kungsi diajukeun salaku hipotésis ngimpi. Postulasi [[Freud]] nyebutkeun yén ngimpi téh mangrupakeunmangrupa éksprési simbolis tina hiji angen-angen. Freud sorangan migunakeun interprétasi ngimpi dina [[psikoanalisis]], nu ku élmuwan kiwari mah teu pati disatujuan.<!-- Another theory is that dreaming allows an animal to play out scenarios that may help the animal avoid dangers when awake. For example, a rabbit might dream about being cornered by a fox and may play out different scenarios that might increase chances of survival should he come across a fox in reality.-->
== Deprivasi saré ==
Baris ka-85:
== Sato ==
Di alam sasatoan, saré téh lilana antara dua jam ([[jarapah]]) nepi ka 20 jam ([[kalong]]). Sacara umum, pangabutuh saré téh ngurangan mun awakna leuwih badag. [[Ucing]] mangrupakeunmangrupa salah sahiji sato nu teu perlu saré dina waktu anu sakaligus, dina sapoéna téh bisa baé dibagi kana sababaraha rintakan. Aya deui mamalia cai, nu saréna téh ukur wawaréhan: sabagian awakna saré, sedengkeun sabagian nu lian tetep nyaring. Nu saréna kawas kieu téh di antarana (sigana) manuk nu migrasi.
[[Lauk]] jeung [[Drosophila melanogaster|laleur buah]] ogé miboga kaayaan nu sarupa jeung saré. This alternation of the sleeplike state and its absence is referred to as a "Basic Rest and Activity Cycle", or BRAC. Since the modern definition of sleep is defined using EEG criteria, and such tiny brains preclude the recording of EEG's, this may not technically be described as sleep. However, if [[fruit flies]] are repeatedly disturbed so that they can not rest, they have what is referred to as a "rest rebound". This behavior is strikingly similar to that exhibited by mammals and birds in similar conditions. As research equipment improves, the definition of sleep may soon be revised.
Baris ka-132:
* Morrissey, M. J., Duntley, S. P., Anch, A. M., & Nonneman, R. (2004). Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. Medical Hypotheses, 62(6), 876-879.
* Marks, G. A., Shaffery, J. P., Oksenberg, A., Speciale, S. G., & Roffwarg, H. P. (1995). A functional role for rem sleep in brain maturation. Behav Brain Res, 69(1-2), 1-11.
* Mirmiran, M., Scholtens, J., van de Poll, N. E., Uylings, H. B., van der Gugten, J., & Boer, G. J. (1983). Effects of experimental suppression of active (rem) sleep during earlyéarly development upon adult brain and behavior in the rat. Brain Res, 283(2-3), 277-286.
* Zhang, J. (2004). [http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Articles/6-6/Zhang.pdf Memory process and the function of sleep]. Journal of TheoreticsThéoretics.Vol 6-6.
== Tumbu kaluar ==