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Shrikarsan (obrolan | kontribusi)
clean up, replaced: {{main| → {{utama| using AWB
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: rea → réa, dipake → dipaké , eo → éo, kabeh → kabéh using AWB
Baris ka-7:
{| style="background: transparent; text-align: left; table-layout: auto; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0; font-size: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
! style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;" | AreaAréa
| style="border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0; vertical-align: top" | {{km2 to sq mi|30221532|abbr=yes}}
Baris ka-29:
'''Afrika''' nyaéta [[buana]] kadua panggedéna tur pangpadetna, sanggeus [[Asia]]. Kalayan legana nu kurang leuwih 30.2 yuta km² (11.7 yuta [[mil pasagi|sq&nbsp;mi]]) kaasup pulo nu padeudeukeut, nutupan 6% lega pabeungeutan [[Bumi]] total tur 20.4% lega lemah total.<ref name=Sayre>Sayre, April Pulley. (1999) ''Africa'', Twenty-First Century Books. ISBN 0-7613-1367-2.</ref> KAlayan kurang leuwih 922 yuta jalma (taun 2005)<ref name="esa.un.org"/> dina 61 wewengkon, [[populasi jalma]]na kacatet 14.2% tina populasi jalma sadunya. Buana ieu dilingkung ku [[Laut Tengah]] di beh kaler, [[Terusan Suez]] jeung [[Laut Beureum]] di wetan kalerna, [[Samudra India]] di beh wetan kidulna, tur [[Samudra Atlantik]] di beh kuloneunnana. Aya 46 nagara kaasup [[Madagaskar]], atawa 53 nagara kaasup sakabehsakabéh golongan pulo.
== Teritori jeung wewengkon ==
{{utama|Wewengkon di Afrika|Daptar nagara di Afrik}}
Nagara-nagara dina tabel ieu digolongkeun dumasar kana [[UN geoscheme|skema keur subwewengkon geografis]] nu dipakedipaké ku PBB, tur data nu kawengkuna mangrupa per sumber dina artikel rujukan silang ''(cross-referenced articles)''. Lamun beda, katangtuan-katangtuan husus disebutkeun kalayan jentre.
<!--{{editnote | NOTE: If you have arguments or evidence to the contrary, please provide them on the talk page and await until the consensus supports making proposed edits. Thank you!-->
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Baris ka-548:
* [http://www.africaaction.org/index.php ''Africa Action''] Africa Action is the oldest organization in the United States working on African affairs. It is a national organization that works for political, economic and social justice in Africa.
* [http://www.libcom.org/history/africa.php Working class history in Africa]—people—péople's and grassroots histories