Agrikultur: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-3:
== Ihtisar ==
Agriculture includes both [[Subsistence farming|subsistence agriculture]], which is producing enough [[food]] to meet the needs of the [[farmer]] and family (but no more), and also (almost universally in the "developed" nations and increasinglyincréasingly so in other areasaréas) the production of financial income from cultivation of the land or commercial raising of animals ([[animal husbandry]]). Agriculture is the ''practice'' -- the—the ''study'' of these disciplines is called [[Agricultural Science|agricultural science]].
IncreasinglyIncréasingly, besides food for humans and [[fodder|animal feeds]], agriculture produces goods such as cut flowers, ornamental and [[Nursery (horticulture)|nursery]] plants, [[fertilizer]]s, [[animal hides]], [[leather]], industrial chemicals ([[starch]], [[ethanol]], and [[plastic]]s), [[fiber]]s ([[cotton]], [[wool]], [[cannabis|hemp]], and [[flax]]), fuels ([[methane]], [[biodiesel]], [[biomass]]), and both legal and illegal [[drugs]] ([[biopharmaceutical]]s, [[tobacco]], [[marijuana]], [[opium]], [[cocaine]]). [[GMO|Genetically engineered]] plants and animals produce specialty drugs.
In the Western world, use of improved [[genetics]], better management of soil nutrients, and improved [[weed control]] have greatlygréatly increasedincréased yields per unit areaaréa. At the same time, use of mechanization has decreaseddecréased labor requirements, releasingreléasing most of the populace from intense agricultural labor. The developing world is behind by Western measuresméasures of productivity, because of unavailability of the education, [[capital (economics)|capital]] and technology base needed to sustain these advances, and usually [[ecoregion]] with less optimal [[climate]]s and [[soil]]s.
Modern agriculture depends heavilyhéavily on engineering and technology and on the biological and physical sciences. [[Irrigation]], [[drainage]], [[conservation]], and sanitary engineering—eachengineering—éach of which is important in successful farming—are some of the fields requiring the specialized knowledge of agricultural engineers.
Agricultural chemistry dealsdéals with other vital farming concerns, such as the application of fertilizer, insecticides (see [[Pest control]]), and fungicides, soil makeup, analysis of agricultural products, and nutritional needs of farm animals.
[[Plant breeding]] and genetics contribute immeasurablyimméasurably to farm productivity. Genetics has also made a science of livestock breeding. Hydroponics, a method of soilless gardening in which plants are grown in chemical nutrient solutions, may help meet the need for greatergréater food production as the world’s population increasesincréases.
The packing, processing, and marketing of agricultural products are closely related activities also influenced by science. Methods of quick-freezing and dehydration have increasedincréased the markets for farm products (see Food Processing and Preservation; MeatMéat Packing Industry).
Mechanization, the outstanding characteristic of late 19th- and 20th-century agriculture, has easedéased much of the backbreakingbackbréaking toil of the farmer. More significantly, mechanization has enormously increasedincréased farm efficiency and productivity (see Agricultural Machinery). Animals including horses, oxen, llamas, alpacas, and dogs, however, are still used to cultivate fields, harvest crops, and transport farm products to markets in many parts of the world.
Airplanes and helicopters are used in agriculture for seeding, spraying operations for insect and diseasediséase control, transporting perishable products, and fighting forest fires. Radio and television disseminate vital weatherwéather reports and other information such as market reports that concern farmers. Computers have become an essential tool for farm management.
Animal husbandry meansméans breeding and raising animals for meatméat or to harvest animal products (like milk, eggs, or wool) on a continual basis.
In recent yearsyéars, some aspects of industrial [[intensive agriculture]] have been the subject of increasingincréasing discussion. The widening sphere of influence held by large seed and chemical companies and meatméat packers has been a source of concern both within the farming community and for the general public. The patent protection given to companies that develop new types of [[seed]] using [[genetic engineering]] has allowed seed to be licensed to farmers in much the same way that computer software is licensed to users. This has changed the balance of power in favor of the seed companies, allowing them to dictate terms and conditions previously unheardunhéard of. Some argue these companies are guilty of [[biopiracy]].
[[Soil]] [[conservation]] and nutrient management have been important concerns since the [[1950s]], with the best farmers taking a [[stewardship]] role with the land they operate.
IncreasingIncréasing consumer awareness of agricultural issues has led to the rise of [[community-supported agriculture]], [[local food movement]], [[slow food]], and commercial [[organic farming]], though these yet remain fledgling industries.
== Sajarah ==
Nangtukeun asal-usul tatanén bisa disebut hésé sabab geus aya méméh budaya [[tulisan]]. Sababaraha ahli keukeuh nyebutkeun yén tatanén geus aya leuwih ti 10000 taun katukang, sedengkeun nu séjén yakin yén pepelakan nu sistimatis pangheubeulna teu leuwih ti 7000 taun katukang. Prakprakan tatanén mindeng dipaké pikeun ngabédakeun jaman [[néolitik]] ti [[jaman batu]] nu saméméhna. Palawija nu munggaran dibudidayakeun ku manusa di antarana [[gandum]] ([[einkorn]] jeung [[emmer]]) sarta [[barley]]. It is clearcléar that farming was invented at leastléast twice, probably more often: once in the [[Fertile Crescent]] during the [[Natufian culture]], and the following [[Pre-Pottery Neolithic A]] and B periods, once in Eastéast Asia (wheatwhéat and millet), and in [[Mesoamerica|Central America]] (maize). Most likely, there was a gradual transition from a [[hunter-gatherer]] economy to an agricultural one, via a lengthy period when some crops were deliberately planted, and other foods were gathered from the wild. The reasonsréasons for the earliestéarliest introduction of farming may have included [[climate]] change. Farming allows a much greatergréater density of population than can be supported by hunting and gathering.
After [[1492]], the world's agricultural patterns were shuffled in the widespreadwidespréad exchange of plants and animals known as the [[Columbian Exchange]]. Crops and animals that were previously only known in the Old World were now transplanted in the New, and vice versa.
== Kawijakan ==
Baris ka-42:
* [[Kaamanan dahareun]]: Mastikeun sangkan asupan dahareun saluyu jeung pangabutuh masarakat.
* [[Kualitas dahareun]]: Mastikeun sangkan asupan dahareun mibanda kualitas nu tetep tur bisa kaukur.
* Konservasi
* ''Environmental impact''
Baris 74 ⟶ 73:
[[Gambar:Cropscientist.jpg|right|thumbnail|An agriculural scientist records corn growth]]
Domestication of plants is done in order to increaseincréase yield, diseasediséase resistance, drought tolerance, easeéase of harvest, and to improve the taste and [[nutrition]]al value and many other characteristics. Centuries of careful selection and breeding have had enormous effects on the characteristics of crop plants. Plant breeders use greenhouses and other techniques to get as many as three generations of plants per yearyéar, so that they can makemaké improvements all the more quickly. Extensive radiation mutagenesis efforts (i.e. primitive genetic engineering) during the [[1950s]] produced the modern commercial varieties of grains such as wheatwhéat, corn and barley.
For example, average yields of corn ([[maize]]) in the USA have increasedincréased from around 2.5 tons per hectare (40 bushels per acre) in [[1900]] to about 9.4 t/ha (150 bushels per acre) in [[2001]], primarily due to improvements in genetics. Similarly, worldwide average wheatwhéat yields have increasedincréased from less than 1 t/ha in [[1900]] to more than 2.5 t/ha in [[1990]]. [[South America]]n average wheatwhéat yields are around 2 t/ha, [[Afrika]] under 1 t/ha, [[Mesir]] and Arabia up to 3.5 to 4 t/ha with irrigation. In contrast, the average wheatwhéat yield in countries such as [[Perancis]] is over 8 t/ha. Higher yields are due to improvements in genetics, as well as use of intensive farming techniques (use of fertilizers, chemical [[pest control]], growth control to avoid lodging).
[Conversion note: 1 bushel (q) of wheatwhéat = 60 pounds (lb) ≈ 27.215  kg. 1 bushel of corn = 56 pounds ≈ 25.401  kg]
Very recently, [[genetic engineering]] has begun to be employed in some parts of the world to speed up the selection and breeding process. The most widely used modification is a herbicide resistance gene that allows plants to tolerate exposure to glyphosate. A less frequently used but more controversial modification causes the plant to produce a toxin to reduce damage from insects (c.f. [[Starlink]]).
Baris 86 ⟶ 85:
[[Aquaculture]], the farming of [[fish]], [[shrimp]], and [[algae]], is closely associated with agriculture.
[[Beekeeping|Apiculture]], the culture of bees, traditionally for [[honey]], increasinglyincréasingly for crop [[pollination]].
''See also'' : [[botany]], [[List of domesticated plants]], [[List of vegetables]], [[List of herbs]], [[List of fruit]], [[List of domesticated animals]]