Asia Tengah: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
[[Gambar:Central Asia borders.png|bing|Peta '''Asia Tengah''' nu nuduhkeun tilu kamungkinan watesna]]
[[Gambar:Central Asia world region2.png|jmpl|326px|Perenah '''Asia Tengah''' di dunya]]
'''Asia Tengah''' nyaetanyaéta hiji wewengkon singkur di [[Asia]]. Sanajan aya mangrupa-rupa definisi ngeunaan komposisi pastina, euweuh hiji definisi ogeogé nu bisa ditarima sacara universal. Sanajan henteu pasti watesna, Asia Tengah boga sababaraha pasipatan penting. Asia Tengah dumasar sajarahna geus patali jeung jalma-jalmana nu ''[[nomad]]'' katut ayana '''[[Jalur Sutra]]'''. Hasilna, Asia Tengah geus meta minangka jalan keur ngaliwatna jalma, barang, jeung ide antara [[Eropa]], [[Asia Kulon]], [[Asia Kidul]], jeung [[Asia Wétan]]. Kadang-kadang katelah ogeogé '''Asia Jero''', nu aya dina sajeroeun buana nu leuwih gede nyaetanyaéta [[Erasia]].
== Tempo oge ==
Baris ka-28:
* Marcinkowski, M. Ismail. ''Persian Historiography and Geography: Bertold Spuler on Major Works Produced in Iran, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Pakistan and Early Ottoman Turkey'', [[Singapore]]: [[Pustaka Nasional]], 2003.
* [[Ted Rall|Rall, Ted]]. "Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Western Asia?" New York: [[NBM Publishing]], 2006.
* Stone, L. A' 'The International Politics of Central Eurasia', (272 pp). Central Eurasian Studies On Line: Accessible via the Web Page of the International Eurasian Institute for Economic and Political ResearchReséarch:
== Tumbu kaluar ==
Baris ka-44:
* [ Where West Meets East: The Complex mtDNA Landscape of the Southwest and Central Asian Corridor]
* [ Texas Tech University, full-text examples of Central Asian literature]
* [] The International Politics of Central Eurasia], (272 pp). Central Eurasian Studies On Line: The International Eurasian Institute for Economic and Political ResearchReséarch, 2001.
* [ Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies (RIFIAS) Library Online Catalog Text Collection] is one of North America's premier resources for teachingtéaching and researchreséarch in the history, languages, literatures, geographygéography, religions, and cultures of Inner Asia and is located at Indiana University
* [ University of Turin-Observatory on Central Asia]