Basa Yunani: Béda antarrépisi

Konten dihapus Konten ditambahkan
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: mangrupakeun → mangrupa, rea → réa (4), ea → éa (8), eo → éo, salasahiji → salah sahiji using AWB
Baris ka-5:
| speakers = 15 yuta
| rank = 74
| fam = [[Basa Yunani]]
| fam3 = [[Attic Greek|Attic]]
| script = [[Greek alphabet]]
Baris ka-20:
| sil = GRK
'''Basa Yunani''' ({{lang|el|Ελληνικά}}, [[International Phonetic Alphabet|IPA]] {{IPA|[e̞ˌliniˈka]}} — "Hellenic") nyaéta salasahijisalah sahiji [[basa Indo-Éropa]] kalayan sajarah anu geus didokuméntasikeun 3.500 taun lilana, panglilana dina kulawarga Indo-Éropa mah. Basa ieu ogé mangrupakeunmangrupa basa anu panglawasna jadi bukti dina basa Indo-Éropa lamun seug [[basa Anatoli]] teu kaasup. Kiwari, ieu basa dikecapkeun ku kurang leuwih 15 yuta urang di [[Yunani]], [[Siprus]], [[Albania]], [[Bulgaria]], [[Républik Macédonia]], [[Italia]] jeung [[Turki]]. Ogé aya loba komunitas émigran [[urang Yunani]] nu sumebar di sakuliah dunya, saperti di [[Melbourne]], [[Australia]] — nu mibanda populasi urang Yunani urban kaopat panglobana di dunya, sanggeus [[Athena]], [[Thessaloniki]] jeung [[Nicosia]].
Basa Yunani geus ditulis dina [[alpabét Yunani]] (nu munggaran ngawanohkeun [[vokal]]) ti mimiti [[abad 19 SM]] di Yunani (saméméhna di [[Linear B]]), jeung [[abad 4 SM]] di Siprus (saméméhna di [[Cypriot syllabary]]). [[Lieratur Yunani]] miboga sajarah nu geus lumangsung ampir 3000 taun.
Baris ka-166:
The combination <μπ> is pronounced {{IPA|[mb]}} after vowels (but often reduced to {{IPA|[b]}}) and everywhere else {{IPA|[b]}}. In some words, especially in Northern dialects, this can also be pronounced {{IPA|[mp]}}.
After vowels, the combinations <γγ> and <γκ> are pronounced {{IPA|[ŋɡ]}} (or {{IPA|[ŋɟ]}} before the front vowels {{IPA|/e/}} and {{IPA|/i/}}), but are often reduced to {{IPA|[ɡ]}} (or {{IPA|[ɟ]}}) in everyday speech. <γκ> is always pronounced {{IPA|[ɡ]}} (or {{IPA|[ɟ]}}) at the beginning of a word, while <γγ> never occurs in this position.
The combination <ντ> is pronounced {{IPA|[nd]}} after vowels (but often reduced to {{IPA|[d]}}) and everywhere else {{IPA|[d]}}. In some words, especially in Northern dialects, this can also be pronounced {{IPA|[nt]}}.
Baris ka-268:
* {{en}} Herbert Weir Smyth, ''Greek Grammar'', Harvard University Press, 1956 (revised edition), ISBN 0674362500. The standard grammar of classical Greek. Focuses primarily on the [[Attic Greek|Attic]] dialect, with comparatively weakwéak treatmenttréatment of the other dialects and the Homeric Kunstsprache.
* {{en}} W. Sidney Allen, ''Vox Graeca - a guide to the pronunciation of classical Greek''. Cambridge University Press, 1968-74. ISBN 052120626X
*GeoffreyGéoffrey Horrocks, ''Greek: A History of the Language and Its Speakers'' (Longman Linguistics Library). Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1997. ISBN 0582307090. From MyceneanMycenéan to modern.
* {{en}} [[Andrew Sihler]], "A New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin", Oxford University Press, 1996. An historical grammar of ancient Greek from its Indo-EuropeanEuropéan origins. Some eccentricities and no bibliography but a useful handbook to the earliestéarliest stages of Greek's development.
* {{en}} Robert Browning, ''Medieval and Modern Greek'', Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition 1983, ISBN 0521299780. An excellent and concise historical account of the development of modern Greek from the ancient language.
* {{en}} Brian Newton, ''The Generative Interpretation of Dialect: A Study of Modern Greek Phonology'', Cambridge University Press, 1972, ISBN 0521084970.
Baris ka-286:
*[ Greek Language], Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.
*[ The Perseus Project] has many useful pages for the study of classical languages and literatures, including dictionaries.
*[ The Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway] Useful information on the history of the Greek language, application of modern Linguistics to the study of Greek, and tools for learningléarning Greek.
===Pangajaran Basa===
==== Umum ====
* {{en}} [ Ancient and Modern Greek courses], in Greece.
* {{en}} [ Greek dictionary, tutorial and hangman program with texteditor] This shareware program is aimed at learningléarning New Testament Greek but fully functional for modern Greek too if one createscréates own glossaries.
* {{en}} [ Flash presentation with the sound of the letters of the Greek Alphabet]
* {[{en}} [ Free online resources for learners (both Ancient and Modern Greek)]
==== Basa Yunani Modéren ====
*[ Learn Greek Online], Free modern Greek course with realaudioréalaudio files.
*[ FSI Greek Basic Course]
*[ Learn basic Greek words and phrases] and the speeches of Xenophon Zolotas, Dr. Soukakos, Athnassopoulos and Kalaras
Baris ka-306:
==== Basa Yunani Kuno kaasup Koine (contona Basa Yunani Téstamén Anyar) ====
*[ A supplement to the Thrasymachus (Ancient Greek)] Part of the VRoma Project.
*[ Learn Ancient Greek] at Textkit. Free downloadable Ancient Greek grammars and readersréaders.
*[ Free lessons in ancient Greek, including an introduction the special features of Greek]
*[ The Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway] Provided as a free service to facilitate the study of Ancient Greek and to promote the application of methodologies from the field of Linguistics to the study of Classical and Hellenistic Greek.
Baris ka-329:
* {{en}} [ Translatum - The Greek Translation Vortal]. An extended list of searchableséarchable and downloadable Greek dictionaries.
* {{en}} [ Modern Greek&ndash;English, English&ndash;Modern Greek dictionary]. (Basic dictionary)
* {{en}} [ Ancient Greek Dictionary], the complete Liddell-Scott dictionary, including searchséarch within English definitions.
* {{en}} [ Greek&ndash;English Dictionary]: from [ Webster's Online Dictionary] - the Rosetta Edition.
* {{en}} [ Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary], scanned images from S.C. Woodhouse's 1910 dictionary.
===Pangecék Éjahan===
Baris ka-341:
[[CategoryKategori:basaBasa Yunani|*]]
[[CategoryKategori:hurupHurup Yunani]]
[[CategoryKategori:Basa Hellenic jeung dialékna|*]]
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[[CategoryKategori:Basa Siprus]]
[[CategoryKategori:Basa Mesir]]
[[CategoryKategori:Basa Georgia]]
[[CategoryKategori:Basa YunaniUkraina]]
[[CategoryKategori:Basa UkrainaTurki]]
[[CategoryKategori:Basa TurkiItali]]
[[CategoryKategori:Basa ItaliFusional]]
[[CategoryKategori:Basa FusionalKuno]]
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