Suluh fosil: Béda antarrépisi

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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: mangrupakeun → mangrupa, salahsahiji → salah sahiji, migunakeun → ngagunakeun
Baris ka-3:
Taun [[2005]], kira-kira 86% énérgi dihasilkeun tina ngaduruk suluh fosil, sedengkeun sésana disumbang ku [[hidrolistrik]] (6,3%), [[tanaga nuklir|nuklir]] (6,0%), jeung nu lianna ([[tanaga géotermal|géotermal]], [[tanaga surya|surya]], [[tanaga angin|angin]], [[suluh kai|kai]], jeung [[runtah]], 0,9%)<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=International Energy Annual 2005|accessdate=2007-09-09}}</ref>.
Suluh fosil mangrupakeunmangrupa sumberdaya alam nu teu bisa dipulihkeun, sabab prosésna merlukeun waktu jutaan taun. Parebut suluh fosil ngabalukarkeun konflik régional jeung global, sedengkeun produksi jeung makéna ngadatangkeun masalah lingkungan. Ku kituna, kiwari masarakat geus nyobaan migunakeun énérgingagunakeunénérgi nu bisa dipulihkeun.
Durukan suluh fosil ngahasilkeun kira 21,3 milyar [[ton]] (= 21,3 [[gigaton]]) [[karbon dioksida]] per taun, padahal prosés alam ukur bisa nyerep satengahna, sahingga jumlah karbon dioksida atmosfir nambahan 10,65 milyar ton per taunna (saton karbon atmosfir sarua jeung 44/12 atawa 3,7 ton karbon dioksida)<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=US Department of Energy on greenhouse gases|accessdate=2007-09-09}}</ref>. Karbon dioksida téh salahsahijisalah sahiji [[gas rumah kaca]] nu ngabalukarkeun [[jagat nyongkab]].
According to the biogenic theory, [[petroleum]] is formed from the preserved remains of [[prehistory|prehistoric]] [[zooplankton]] and [[algae]] which have settled to the sea (or lake) bottom in large quantities under [[anoxic sea water|anoxic conditions]]. Over [[geologic time scale|geological time]], this [[organic compound|organic]] [[matter]], mixed with [[mud]], is buried under heavy layers of sediment. The resulting high levels of [[heat]] and [[pressure]] cause the organic matter to chemically change during [[diagenesis]], first into a waxy material known as [[kerogen]] which is found in various [[oil shale]]s around the world, and then with more heat into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in a process known as [[catagenesis (geology)|catagenesis]].
[[Terrestrial plant]]s, on the other hand, tend to form [[coal]]. Many of the coal fields date to the [[carboniferous]] period.
Baris ka-80:
Combustion of fossil fuels generates sulfuric, carbonic, and [[nitric acid]]s, which fall to Earth as [[acid rain]], impacting both natural areas and the built environment. Monuments and sculptures made from [[marble]] and limestone are particularly vulnerable, as the acids dissolve [[calcium carbonate]].
Fossil fuels also contain radioactive materials, mainly [[uranium]] and [[thorium]], that are released into the atmosphere. In 2000, about 12,000 [[metric tons]] of thorium and 5,000 metric tons of uranium were released worldwide from burning coal.<ref>[ Coal Combustion: Nuclear Resource or Danger] - Alex Gabbard</ref> It is estimated that during 1982, US coal burning released 155 times as much radioactivity into the atmosphere as the [[Three Mile Island]] incident.<ref>[ Nuclear proliferation through coal burning] - Gordon J. Aubrecht, II, Ohio State University</ref> However, this radioactivity from coal burning is minuscule at each source and has not shown to have any adverse effect on human physiology.{{Fact|date=February 2008}}
Baris ka-86:
Burning coal also generates large amounts of [[bottom ash]] and [[fly ash]]. These materials are used in a wide variety of [[Fly ash#Fly ash reuse|applications]], utilizing, for example, about 40% of the US production.<ref>{{cite web | author = American Coal Ash Association | title = "CCP Production and Use Survey"| url =}}</ref>
Harvesting, processing, and distributing fossil fuels can also create environmental concerns. [[Coal mining]] methods, particularly mountaintop removal and strip mining, have negative environmental impacts, and offshore oil drilling poses a hazard to aquatic organisms. [[Oil refinery|Oil refineries]] also have negative environmental impacts, including air and water pollution. Transportation of coal requires the use of diesel-powered locomotives, while crude oil is typically transported by tanker ships, each of which requires the combustion of additional fossil fuels.
[[Environmental regulation]] uses a variety of approaches to limit these emissions, such as command-and-control (which mandates the amount of pollution or the technology used), economic incentives, or voluntary programs.