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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: mangrupakeun → mangrupa using AWB
Baris ka-8:
[[Gambar:tea_plant_drawing.png|right|thumb|''Camellia sinensis'']]
The four main types of tea are distinguished by their processing. ''Camellia sinensis'' is an [[evergreen]] [[shrub]] whose leaves, if not quickly dried after picking, soon begin to wilt and [[Oxidation|oxidize]]. This process resembles the [[malt]]ing of barley, in that [[starch]] is converted into [[sugar]]s; the leaves turn progressively darker, as [[chlorophyll]] breaks down and [[tannin]]s are released. The next step in processing is to stop the oxidation process at a predetermined stage by removing the water from the leaves via heating.
The term ''[[fermentation]]'' was used (probably by [[wine]] fanciers) to describe this process, and has stuck, even though no true fermentation happens (i.e. the process is not driven by [[Microorganism|microbes]] and produces no [[ethanol]]). Without careful moisture and temperature control, [[fungi]] will grow on tea. The fungi will cause fermentation which will contaminate the tea with toxic and [[carcinogen]]ic substances. In fact, when real fermentation happens, the tea must be discarded.
Baris ka-55:
=== Asal-usul sumebarna ===
[[Gambar:Malaysia-tea_plantation.jpg|thumb|right|Kebon entéh di [[Pagunungan Kamérun]], [[Malaysia]]. ]]
Tangkal entéh nu bisa kasusud asalna ti Cina atawa Asia Tenggara; sacara historis, mangpaat entéh pikeun miceun katunduh mah can jelas. Sacara umum, kiwari Cina mangrupakeunmangrupa "karuhun" inuman entéh, sabab catetan sajarah nyebutkeun yén di Cina geus aya sahanteuna 3000 taun ka tukang. Inuman ieu dipaké dina acara resmi ti jaman [[Wangsa Tang]] atawa saméméhna. Pikeun mangpaat séjénna, mangga baca [[#Budaya entéh|di handap]].
Salaku nu sok ngumbara, [[Marco Polo]] teu kungsi nulis entéh dina catetanana. Di Rusia, entéh mimiti diinum taun 1618, sanggeus Kaisar Ming ti Cina ngahadiahkeun entéh ka [[Tsar Alexis]]. Sanggeus éta, entéh langsung populér di Éropah, utamana di [[Prancis]] jeung [[Walanda]]. Urang [[Inggris]] mimiti maké entéh taun [[1650]]-an.
Baris ka-96:
Historically in China, tea is divided into first, second, third, and fourth and fifth infusions. The first infusion of tea made is immediately poured out to wash the tea, and then, the second and further infusions are then had. The third through fifth are nearly always considered the best infusions of tea, although different teas open up differently, and may require more infusions of boiling water to bring them to life.
; '''Black Tea:''' The water for black teas should be added at the [[boiling point]] (100 °C or 212 °F), except for very delicate [[Darjeeling]] teas, where slightly lower temperatures are recommended. This will have as large an effect on the final flavour as the type of tea used. The most common fault when making black tea is to use water at too low a temperature. Since boiling point drops with altitude, this makes it difficult to brew black tea properly in mountainous areas. The tea should not be allowed to steep for less than 30 seconds or more than about five minutes (a process known as ''brewing'' or [dialectally] ''mashing'' in the UK): after that, [[tannin]] is released, which counteracts the stimulating effect of the [[theophylline]] and caffeine and makes the tea bitter (at this point it is referred to as being ''stewed'' in the UK).
; '''Green Tea:''' Water for green tea, according to most accounts, should be around 80 °C to 85 °C (176 °F to 185 °F); the higher the quality of the leaves, the lower the temperature. Preferably, the container in which the tea is steeped; the [[mug]] or teapot should also be warmed beforehand (usually by swirling a little hot water around it then pouring it out) so that the tea does not immediately cool down.
Baris ka-152:
[[Kategori:Ubar tradisional]]
[[kategoriKategori:tutuwuhanTutuwuhan industri]]