Éstrogén: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-2:
[[Gambar:Oestradiol-2D-skeletal.png|thumb|[[Éstradiol]]. Cirikeun hiji gugus [[hidroksil]] nu kabeungkeut ku cingcin D. Suku kecap 'di' nujul ka ieu hidroksil jeung nu na cingcin A (paling kénca).]]
[[Gambar:Estrone structure.svg|thumb|[[Éstron]]. Cirikeun gugus [[keton]] (=O) nu kabeungkeut kana cingcin D.]]
'''Éstrogén''' ('''estrogen''', '''oestrogen''' atawa '''œstrogen''') nyaéta hiji golongan sanyawaan [[stéroid]] nu penting dina [[daur éstrus]] salaku [[hormon]] [[baga-purusa|séks]] utama [[bikang|wanoja]].
Éstrogén dipaké salaku bagian dina sababaraha [[kombinasi pél kontrasépsi|kontrasépsi oral]], terapi gaganti éstrogén pikeun istri [[ménopauseu|balangantrang]], sarta dina [[terapi gaganti hormon (trans)|terapi hormon]] pikeun istri cacad kelamin.
Sakumaha galibna [[hormon stéroid]], éstrogén bisa [[difusi|nembus]] [[mémbran sél]]; di jero sél, éstrogén bisa interaksi jeung [[reséptor éstrogén]].<ref>Nussey and Whitehead: ''[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowTOC&rid=endocrin.TOC&depth=10 Endocrinology, an integrated approach]'', Taylor and Francis 2001</ref>
Baris ka-78:
==Health risks and warning labels==
The labeling of estrogen-only products in the U.S. includes a [[black box warning|boxed warning]] that unopposed estrogen (without [[progestagen]]) therapy increases the risk of [[endometrial cancer]].
Based on a review of data from the WHI, on January 8, 2003 the FDA changed the labeling of all estrogen and estrogen with progestin products for use by postmenopausal women to include a new boxed warning about cardiovascular and other risks. The estrogen-alone substudy of the WHI reported an increased risk of [[stroke]] and [[deep vein thrombosis]] (DVT) in postmenopausal women 50 years of age or older and an increased risk of [[dementia]] in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older using 0.625 mg of Premarin conjugated equine estrogens (CEE). The estrogen-plus-progestin substudy of the WHI reported an increased risk of [[myocardial infarction]], stroke, invasive breast cancer, [[pulmonary emboli]] and DVT in postmenopausal women 50 years of age or older and an increased risk of dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older using 0.625 mg of CEE with 2.5 mg of the progestin [[medroxyprogesterone acetate]] (MPA).<ref name=fdanewlabel>{{cite web |author=FDA |title=FDA Approves New Labels for Estrogen and Estrogen with Progestin Therapies for Postmenopausal Women Following Review of Women's Health Initiative Data |url=http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2003/NEW00863.html |date=2003, Jan 8 |accessdate=2006-10-26}}</ref><ref name="Times">{{cite web |last=Kolata |first=Gina |title = F.D.A. Orders Warning on All Estrogen Labels |publisher=The New York Times |date=2003, Jan 9 |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9C00E0DD103EF93AA35752C0A9659C8B63 |accessdate=2006-10-26}}</ref><ref name="Medline">{{cite web | date=2006, Apr 1 |author=NLM |title=IMPORTANT WARNING |work=Drug Information: Estrogen |publisher=MedlinePlus |url=http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/medmaster/a682922.html |accessdate=2006-10-26}}</ref>
Baris ka-114:
== Tumbu kaluar ==
* {{MedlinePlusDrugInfo|medmaster|a682922}}
*Nussey and WhiteheadWhitehéad: ''[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowTOC&rid=endocrin.TOC&depth=10 Endocrinology, an integrated approach]'', Taylor and Francis 2001. Free online textbook.