Sebaran normal: Béda antarrépisi

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m →‎Sajarah: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: bebas → bébas using AWB
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m →‎Sajarah: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: maneh → manéh
Baris ka-10:
Distribusi normal mimiti dikenalkeun ku [[Abraham de Moivre|de Moivre]] dina artikel taun [[1733]] (dicitak ulang edisi kaduana dina ''[[The Doctrine of Chances]]'', [[1738]]) dina kontek "pendekatan" [[sebaran binomial]] keur ''n'' anu loba. Hasil de Moivre diteruskeun ku [[Pierre Simon de Laplace|Laplace]] dina bukuna ''[[Analytical Theory of Probabilities]]'' ([[1812]]), mangsa kiwari disebut [[Theorem of de Moivre-Laplace]].
Laplace ngagunakeun distribusi normal keur [[analysis of errors]] dina percobaanna. [[Method of least squares]] nu kacida pentingna dikenalkeun ku [[Adrien Marie Legendre|Legendre]] dina taun [[1805]]. [[Carl Friedrich Gauss|Gauss]], ogé ngakukeun yén manehnamanéhna geus maké metoda anu sarua ti mimiti taun [[1794]], justified it rigorously in [[1809]] by assuming a normal distribution of the errors.
Istilah "bell curve" ngacu ka [[Jouffret]] nu ngagunakeun watesan "bell surface" dina taun [[1872]] keur [[multivariate normal distribution|bivariate normal]] dina komponen bébas (independent). Istilah "sebaran normal" "ditemukan" sacara sewang-sewangan ku [[Charles S. Peirce]], [[Francis Galton]] jeung [[Wilhelm Lexis]] kira-kira taun [[1875]] [Stigler]. This terminology is unfortunate, since it reflects and encourages the fallacy that "everything is Gaussian". (See the discussion of "occurrence" below).