Basa program: Béda antarrépisi

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Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: sejen → séjén (4)
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: mere → méré (2), maneh → manéh, beda → béda (3), model → modél using AWB
Baris ka-1:
'''Basa program''' nyaéta [[basa jieunan]] nu bisa dipaké keur [[Control#Science and Technology|ngadalikeun]] paripolah hiji mesin, utamana [[komputer]].<ref>[ ISO 5127]—Information and documentation—Vocabulary, clause 01.05.10, defines a programming language as: an artificial language for expressing programs</ref> Basa program, saperti [[basa alami]], dihartikeun ku aturan ''[[sintaks]]is'' jeung ''[[semantik]]'' keur ngajelaskeun struktur jeung hartina. Loba basa program nu mibanda sababaraha wanda dina nuliskeun ''sintaks'' jeung ''semantik''; sababaraha basa program ngan dihartikeun ku sawanda dina cara maké sacara resmi.
Basa program dipaké keur mantuan komunikasi dina raraga ngokolakeun pangaweruh tur nembongkeun [[algoritma]] sacara presisi. Sababaraha pangarang mereméré watesan nu leuwih heureut yén "basa program" nyaéta basa nu bisa dipaké keur ngagambarkeun ''sakabeh'' algoritma nu mungkin;<ref>In mathematical terms, this means the programming language is [[Turing-complete]] {{cite book | last=MacLennan | first=Bruce J. | title=Principles of Programming Languages | page=1 | publisher=Oxford University Press | year=1987 | id=ISBN 0-19-511306-3 }}</ref> kadangkala watesan "[[computer language|basa komputer]]" dipaké keur basa jieunan nu leuwih heureut.
[[Alphabetical list of programming languages|Rebuan basa program nu beda-beda]]<ref>[[as of 2006|As of May 2006]] [ The Encyclopedia of Computer Languages] by [[Murdoch University]], [[Australia]] lists 8512 computer languages.</ref> geus dijieun, tur meh unggal taun dijieun basa program nu anyar.
Baris ka-9:
* ''Fungsi:'' Basa program nyaéta basa nu pake keur nulis [[computer program|program komputer]], kaasup tampilan [[komputer]] dina sababaraha [[computation|komputasi]]<ref>{{cite web|author=[[Association for Computing Machinery|ACM]] SIGPLAN|title=Bylaws of the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages of the Association for Computing Machinery|url=|accessdate=2006-06-19|year=2003}}, ''The scope of SIGPLAN is the theory, design, implementation, description, and application of computer programming languages - languages that permit the specification of a variety of different computations, thereby providing the user with significant control (immediate or delayed) over the computer's operation.''</ref> atawa [[algoritma]] sarta bisa ogé salaku alat kadali luar saperti [[Computer printer|printer]], robot<ref name="robots">{{cite web|url= |title=Programming Robots |accessdate=2006-09-23 |last=Dean |first=Tom |date= |year=2002 |work=Building Intelligent Robots |publisher=Brown University Department of Computer Science}}</ref>, jeung nu séjénna.
* ''Target:'' Basa program bedabéda jeung [[natural language|basa alami]] yén dina basa alami ngan dipaké keur antar manusa, sedengkeun dina basa program ngawenangkeun jalma keur nyieun parentah kana mesin. Sababaraha basa program dupake keur alat ngadalikeun nu séjénna. Contona program [[PostScript]] remen dijieun ku basa program séjénna keur ngadalikeun [[computer printer|printer]] atawa tampila.
* ''Konsep:'' Basa program mibanda sababaraha kompnen keur ngartikeun tur ngokolakeun [[data structure|struktur data]] atawa ngadalikeun [[control flow|kaputusan aliran]].
* ''Kakuatan ekspresi:'' [[theory of computation|Teori komputasi]] misahkeun basa ku itungan nu bisa ditembongkeun (tempo [[Chomsky hierarchy|hirarki Chomsky]]). Sakabéh basa [[Turing complete|Turing lengkep]] bisa dipaké kana runtuyan [[algoritma]] nu sarua. [[SQL|ANSI/ISO SQL]] jeung [[Charity programming language|Charity]] conto basa Turing teu lengkep nu ilahar disebut basa program.<ref>{{cite web | author=Digital Equipment Corporation | title=Information Technology - Database Language SQL (Proposed revised text of DIS 9075) | url= | work=ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database Language SQL | accessdate=June 29 | accessyear=2006}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=The Charity Development Group|title=The CHARITY Home Page | url= | month=December|year=1996|accessdate=2006-06-29}}, ''Charity is a categorical programming language...'', ''All Charity computations terminate.''</ref>
Baris ka-16:
== Kaperluan ==
Kaperluan utama basa program nyaéta keur mereméré parentah kana komputer. Saperti, basa program bedabéda jeung ekspresi jalma nu mana merlukeun presisi nu luhur tur lengkep. Waktu ngagunakan hiji basa alam keur ngobrol jeung jalma séjén, pangarang jeung nu ngobrol bisa bingung tur nyieun saeutik kasalahan, sarta duana masih bisa ngarti. Bedabéda jeung komputer nu sarua jeung naon anu diparentahkeun ka manehnamanéhna, teu bisa ngarti kana kode nu nyieun program "nu dimaksud" keur nulis. Kombinasi harti basa, [[computer program|program]], jeung asupan program kudu sacara husus ngartikeun paripolah luar nu bakal kajadian lamun éta program dijalankeun.
Baris ka-222:
The task is further complicated by the fact that languages can be classified along multiple axes. For example, Java is both an object-oriented language (because it encourages object-oriented organization) and a concurrent language (because it contains built-in constructs for running multiple [[Thread (computer science)|threads]] in parallel). [[Python (programming language)|Python]] is an object-oriented [[scripting language]].
In broad strokes, programming languages divide into ''[[programming paradigm]]s'' and a classification by ''intended domain of use''. Paradigms include [[procedural programming]], [[object-oriented programming]], [[functional programming]], and [[logic programming]]; some languages are hybrids of paradigms or multi-paradigmatic. An [[assembly language]] is not so much a paradigm as a direct modelmodél of an underlying machine architecture. By purpose, programming languages might be considered general purpose, system programming languages, scripting languages, domain-specific languages, or concurrent/distributed languages (or a combination of these).<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=TUNES: Programming Languages}}</ref> Some general purpose languages were designed largely with educational goals.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Wirth|first=Niklaus|authorlink=Niklaus Wirth|title=Recollections about the development of Pascal|journal=Proc. 2nd [[ACM SIGPLAN]] conference on history of programming languages|pages=333–342|year=1993|url=|accessdate=2006-06-30}}</ref>
A programming language may also be classified by factors unrelated to programming paradigm. For instance, most programming languages use [[English language]] keywords, while a [[Categorical list of programming languages#Non-English-based languages|minority do not]]. Other languages may be classified as being [[Esoteric programming language|esoteric]] or not.