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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: sahingga → antukna using AWB
Baris ka-17:
'''Kalapa''' (''Cocos nucifera'') mangrupa anggota Famili [[Arecaceae]] (kulawarga palem), hiji-hijina spésiés dina [[Genus]] ''Cocos'', nu mangrupa palem badag, jangkungna bisa nepi ka 30 m, panjang barangbang 4-64–6 m (semplak mun geus garing), 'daun' 60-90 60–90 cm. Istilah '''kalapa''' leuwih nujul ka buahna, lain tangkalna.
== Asal-usul jeung budidaya ==
Asal-usul ieu tangkal nepi ka kiwari masih dipadungdengkeun; aya nu nyebut asli [[Asia Tenggara]], aya ogé nu nyebut palsu [[Amérika Kidul]]. Catetan [[fosil]] ti [[Selandia Anyar]] nunjukkeun yén tutuwuhan sarupa kalapa, tapi leutik, geus aya di daérah éta 15 juta taun ka tukang. Fosil nu leuwih heubeul aya ogé di [[Rajastan]] & [[Maharastra]], [[India]]. Nu puguh, kalapa geus sumebar ka sakuliah dunya tropis, sigana mah dibantu ku para palaut. Kalapa bisa ngambang sahinggaantukna bisa waé sumebar kabawa palid ku ombak laut: anu palid nepi ka Norwégia waé kanyahoan hirup kénéh (bisa tumuwuh). Di [[kapuloan Hawaii]], kalapa téh dianggap tutuwuhan bawaan urang [[Polinésia]] ti lemah caina di [[Oséania|Pasipik Kidul]].
The coconut palm thrives on sandy soils and is highly tolerant of salinity and prefers areas with abundant sunlight and regular rainfall (750 to 2,000 mm annually), which makes colonising shorelines of the tropics relatively straightforward. Coconuts also need high humidity (70–80%+) for optimum growth, which is why they are rarely seen in areas with low humidity (e.g. the [[Mediterranean]]), even where temperatures are high enough. They are very hard to establish and grow in dry climates.
Baris ka-75:
==Cultural aspects==
Coconuts are extensively used in [[Hindu]] religious rites. Coconuts are usually offered to the gods, and a coconut is smashed on the ground or on some object as part of an initiation or inauguration of building projects, facility, ship, etc.; this act signifies sacrificing ego, that wealth stems from divinity, and if due credit is not given, bad karma is taken on.
The [[Indonesia]]n tale of [[Hainuwele]] tells the story of the introduction of coconuts to [[Seram]].
Baris ka-107:
* [http://www.plantcultures.org.uk/plants/coconut_landing.html Plant Cultures: botany, history and uses of the coconut]
* [http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/duke_energy/Cocos_nucifera.html Purdue University crop pages: ''Cocos nucifera'']
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