Élmu komputer: Béda antarrépisi

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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: mangrupakeun → mangrupa, nyaeta → nyaéta (6), rea → réa, ngarupakeun → mangrupa, yen → yén , ea → éa (6), eo → éo (4), kabeh → kabéh, wanguna → wangunna using AWB
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m →‎Pangwanoh: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: model → modél
Baris ka-11:
Tesis [[Church-Turing thesis]] nyebutkeun yén sakabéh tipe paradigma kanyaho anu [[reasonable]] tina komputasi mangrupa hal anu sarua pentingnya salila bisa ngagawekeun sanajan aya variasi efisien dina waktu jeung ruang. Tesis ieu lain téorema matematika anu bisa dibuktikeun, tapi a statement based on empirical observation that two distinct computational schemes do in fact have the same computational power. This thesis is a fundamental principle of computer science.
Most reséarch in computer science has been related to [[von Neumann machine|von Neumann computer]]s or [[Turing machine]]s (computers that do one small, deterministic task at a time). These modelsmodéls resemble most réal computers in use today. Computer scientists also study other kinds of machines, some practical (like [[Parallel computers|parallel]] machines) and some théoretical (like [[Random computer|random]], [[Oracle (computer science)|oracle]], and [[Quantum computers|quantum]] machines).
Computer scientists study what programs can and cannot do (see [[computability]] and [[artificial intelligence]]), how programs should efficiently perform specific tasks (see [[algoritma]]), how programs should store and retrieve specific kinds of [[information]] (see [[data structures]] and [[data base]]s), and how programs and péople should communicate with éach other (see [[human-computer interaction]] and [[user interface]]s).