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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: migunakeun → ngagunakeun (2)
Baris ka-1:
[[Gambar:VeluweTreeTrunk.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Kai golondongan, [[Veluwe]], [[Walanda]]]]
'''Kai''' mangrupa bahan [[hétérogén]], [[higroskopik]], [[sélulér]], jeung [[anisotropik]] nu dihasilkeun ku [[tangkal|tatangkalan]] nu kaian, gedéna gumantung ka jenis tangkalna. Kandungan utamana nyaéta serat [[selulosa]] (40%–50%) jeung [[hémiselulosa]] (15%–25%) nu dirapet ku [[lignin]] (15%–30%) <ref>[http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/naturalresources/components/6413ch1.html Lesson 1: ''Tree Growth and Wood Material'' at University of Minnesota Extension] </ref>.
== Guna ==
Manusa geus migunakeunngagunakeun kai ti jaman baheula pikeun rupa-rupa tujuan, salah sahiji guna nu paling kuna nyaéta salaku [[suluh]]. Kai ogé dipaké salaku bahan pikeun nyieun karya seni, [[parahu]], wangunan, mébel, kapal laut, pakarang, jeung rupa-rupa parabot. Saméméh aya bahan wangunan lianna, kai téh sok dipaké pikeun nyieun wangunan, boh imah atawa wangunan lianna. Malah, nepi ka kiwari, loba kénéh masarakat nu sacara tradisional migunakeunngagunakeun kai pikeun bahan wangunanana. Pikeun pindingna, lian ti kai dina bentuk papan, nu ilahar dipaké téh nyaéta bilik, sisitan awi beunang nganyam. Lian dipaké bahan weuteuhna, kai ogé bisa direcah, nu salajengna bisa diolah deui jadi [[kertas]], [[papan partikel]], jeung bahan sintétik lianna.
A tree increases in [[diameter]] by the formation, between the old wood and the inner bark, of new woody layers which envelop the entire stem, living branches, and roots. Where there are clear seasons, this can happen in a discrete pattern, leading to what is known as [[Dendrochronology|growth rings]], as can be seen on the end of a log. If these seasons are annual these growth rings are annual rings. Where there is no seasonal difference growth rings are likely to be absent.
Within a growth ring it may be possible to see two parts. The part nearest the center of the tree is more open textured and almost invariably lighter in color than that near the outer portion of the ring. The inner portion is formed early in the season, when growth is comparatively rapid; it is known as '''early wood''' or '''spring wood'''. The outer portion is the '''late wood''' or '''summer wood''', being produced in the [[summer]] <ref>[http://www.farmforestline.com.au/pages/ Wood growth and structure] www.farmforestline.com.au</ref>. In [[Pinus classification|white pine]]s there is not much contrast in the different parts of the ring, and as a result the wood is very uniform in texture and is easy to work. In [[Pinus classification|hard pines]], on the other hand, the late wood is very dense and is deep-colored, presenting a very decided contrast to the soft, straw-colored early wood. In ring-porous woods each season's growth is always well defined, because the large pores of the spring abut on the denser tissue of the fall before. In the diffuse-porous woods, the demarcation between rings is not always so clear and in some cases is almost (if not entirely) invisible to the unaided eye.
Baris ka-113:
[[Kategori:Rékayasa struktur]]
[[Kategori:Tutuwuhan industri]]
[[kategoriKategori: Bahan wangunan]]