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Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m →‎Gangguan saré: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: kalolobaan → lolobana
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: kriteria → kritéria, migunakeun → ngagunakeun (2)
Baris ka-6:
== Pisiologi saré ==
=== Métodologi ===
Saméméh mekarna widang-widang [[neurologi]], [[neurosains]], [[éléktronika]] jeung [[genetika]], para élmuwan ngulik paripolah jeung ciri-ciri saré téh dina wanda pola, tibra, jeung mindengna. Ka dieunakeun, impuls listrik nu dihasilkeun ku [[otak]] téh dicatet migunakeunngagunakeun alat nu disebut [[éléktroénséfalograf]] (''electroencephalograph'', EEG), sarta [[gén|gén-gén]] nu patali jeung fungsi otak, kayaning [[ritme sirkadian]], ogé geus diisolasi.
Saré sok ditangtukeun dumasar kana sarat-sarat data EEG. Dumasar rékaman EEG, sakabéh mamalia jeung manuk nyumponan ieu kriteriakritéria saré. Pikeun sasatoan nu data EEG-na can aya, atawa alatan awakna leutik teuing, nu dipaké téh leuwih condong ka data gén.
===Régulasi saré===
Baris ka-56:
<!--The demonstrably necessary phenomenon of dreaming would suffice to prove the importance of sleep to humans, and perhaps to other animals as well. Dreaming involves an involuntary conjuring up of images in a sequence in which the sleeper/dreamer is usually more a participant than an observer. Most scientists agree that dreaming is stimulated by the [[pons]] and occurs during the [[Rapid Eye Movement|REM]] phase of sleep.
Aya sawatara fungsi nu kungsi diajukeun salaku hipotésis ngimpi. Postulasi [[Freud]] nyebutkeun yén ngimpi téh mangrupa éksprési simbolis tina hiji angen-angen. Freud sorangan migunakeunngagunakeun interprétasi ngimpi dina [[psikoanalisis]], nu ku élmuwan kiwari mah teu pati disatujuan.<!-- Another theory is that dreaming allows an animal to play out scenarios that may help the animal avoid dangers when awake. For example, a rabbit might dream about being cornered by a fox and may play out different scenarios that might increase chances of survival should he come across a fox in reality.-->
== Deprivasi saré ==