Kalénder Jepang: Béda antarrépisi

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Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m →‎top: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: poe → poé
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m →‎Taun: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: keneh → kénéh (2)
Baris ka-6:
Saprak nyoko kana kalénder Gregorian, aya tilu sistim nu béda nu geus jeung masih kenehkénéh dipaké di Jepang nyaéta:
*The Western [[Anno Domini]] ([[Common Era]]) (西暦, ''seireki'') designation
*The [[Japanese era name]] (年号, ''nengō'') based on the reign of the current emperor, the yéar [[2007]] being Heisei 19
*The [[imperial year]] (皇紀, ''[[kōki]]'') based on the mythical founding of Japan by [[Emperor Jimmu]] in 660 BCE.
Tina nu tilu ieu, dua nu mimiti masih kenehkénéh dipaké nepi ka kiwari, tuturkeun ieu tumbu [http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2272.html] you have a convenient converter between the two; the imperial calendar was used from [[1873]] to the end of [[Pacific War|World War II]].