Koki (lauk): Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
| name = Koki
| status = Inguan
| image = Goldfish3.jpg
| image_alt = Aquarium scene with a bright orange goldfish swimming, tail at lower left, head at upper right, with some driftwood and another goldfish, white and orange, behind.
| regnum = [[Animal]]ia
| phylum = [[Chordate|Chordata]]
| classis = [[Actinopterygii]]
| ordo = [[Cypriniformes]]
| familia = [[Cyprinidae]]
| genus = ''[[Carassius]]''
| species = '''''C. auratus'''''
| binomial = ''Carasius auratus''
| binomial_authority = ([[Carl Linnaeus|Linnaeus]], [[10th edition of Systema Naturae|1758]])<ref>{{cite web |url=http://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/FactSheet.aspx?SpeciesID=508 |title=USGS-NAS, Non-indigenous Aquatic Species |accessdate=2015-04-29}}</ref><ref name="fishbase">{{cite web|url=http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/speciesSummary.php?GenusName=Carassius&SpeciesName=auratus%20auratus |title=''Carassius auratus'' (Linnaeus, 1758) |publisher=Fishbase |accessdate=2015-04-29}}</ref>
'''Koki''' (''Carassius auratus'') nyaéta salah sahiji lauk darat kulawarga [[Cyprinidae]] ti [[Ordo (biologi)|ordo]] [[Cypriniformes]].{{fact}} Ieu salah sahiji lauk pangheubeulna nu diingu sarta salah sahiji lauk nu paling ilahar diingu dina akuarium.{{fact}}
Anggota lauk emas nu rélatif leutik (nu kaasup lauk koi jeung lauk emas [[crucian carp|''crucian'']]), lauk koki mangrupa versi lauk emas inguan nu kurang rupa kelirna (''Carassius auratus'') pituin Asia Wétan.{{fact}} Ieu mimiti diingu di [[China]] leuwih ti sarébu taun katukang, jeung sababaraha paternak nu béda ti saprak dimekarkeun.{{fact}} Katurunan lauk koki pohara rupa-rupa dina ukuran, wangun awak, konfigurasi cécépét sarta kelir (katelah rupa-rupa kombinasi bodas, konéng, oranyeu, beureum, coklat, sarta hideung).{{fact}}
Mutasi nu ngamunculkeun lauk koki ogé dipikawanoh ti spésiés <nowiki>''cyprinid''</nowiki> séjénna, siga lauk emas sarta ''[[tench]]''.{{fact}}
[[File:Goldfish in Fish Swimming Amid Falling Flowers by Liu Cai (cropped).jpg|thumb|left|Tilu lauk emas ti ''Fish Swimming Amid Falling Flowers'', [[Dinasti Song]] dilukis ku Liu Cai (c.1080–1120)|alt=painting of many swimming fish, mostly in shades of tan]]
Dimimitian di Cina kuna, rupa-rupa spésiés lauk emas (Sacara koléktif katelah minangka lauk mas Asia ) geus dilindeukkeun sarta diingu minangka lauk dahareun geus rébuan taun.{{fact}} Sababaraha spésiés ieu ilaharna kulawu atawa pérak mibanda kacenderungan pikeun ngahasilkeun mutasi kelir beureum, oranyeu atawa konéng colour; ieu mimiti dicatet mangsa [[Jin dynasty (265–420)|Dinasti Jin (265–420)]].<ref name="Ocean Park">{{cite web|url=http://www.oceanpark.com.hk/html/en/learning/facts/goldfish.html |title=Goldfish |publisher=Ocean Park |accessdate=2009-11-16}}</ref><ref name=roots>{{cite book|last=Roots|first=Clive|title=Domestication|year=2007|publisher=Greenwood Press|location=Westport|isbn=978-0-313-33987-5|pages=20–21}}</ref>
Dina mangsa [[Dinasti Tang]] (618–907), kasohor pikeun ngaronjatkeun lauk emas di balong sarta balong taman.{{fact}} Mutasi genetik alami nghasilkeun emas (oranyeu semu konéng) tinimbang kelir pérak.{{fact}} Jalma mimiti ternak variétas kelir emas gaganti variétas kelir pérak, ngingu di balong atawa tempat cai lianna.{{fact}} Dina kaayaan anu husus di mana sémah ngaharepkeun, maranéhna baris dipindahkeun kana wadah nu leuwih leutik pikeun pintonan.<ref name="bristol" /><ref>
[http://www.hagen.com/pdf/aquatic/Nutrafin_No4_English.pdf Nutrafin Aquatic News, Issue #4], 2004, Rolf C. Hagen, Inc. (USA) and Rolf C. Hagen Corp. (Montreal, Canada)</ref>
Ku Dinasti Song (960–1279), mimiti ngingu lauk koki ieu ditetepkeun .<ref name=smartt>{{cite book|last=Smartt|first=Joseph|title=Goldfish varieties and genetics: A handbook for breeders|year=2001|publisher=Blackwell Science|location=Oxford|isbn=978-0-85238-265-3|page=21}}</ref> taun 1162, permaisuri [[Dinasti Song]] maréntahkeun pangwangunan balong pikeun ngingu variétas koki beureum jeung emas.{{fact}} Dina mangsa ieu, jalma di luar kulawarga kaisar teu meunang ngingu lauk koki variétas kelir emas (konéng), konéng keur warna kaisar.{{fact}} Ieu meureun alesanana naha leuwih loba lauk koki kelir oranyeu ti batan kelir konéng, sanajan kiwari sacara genetik gampang dibaranahkeun.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.wetpetz.com/goldfish.htm |title=goldfish |accessdate=2013-02-28 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20090901050610/http://www.wetpetz.com/goldfish.htm |archivedate=September 1, 2009 }}</ref> Lumangsungna kelir séjénThe (bagéan tina beureum jeung emas) mimiti kacatet taun 1276.{{citation needed|date=August 2015}}
[[File:1856aquariumfresh.png|thumb|alt=A drawing in brown ink on an ocher background. A rectangular glass aquarium tank sits on a wooden stand with carved, curled legs, and contains two fish as well as plants with wavy grass-like leaves.|Akuarium di Éropa taun 1850-an tina jenis anu ngandung lauk koki diantara spésiés lauk darat séjén.
Dina mangsa [[Dinasti Ming]] (1368–1644), lauk koki ogé mimiti diingu di jero rohangan,<ref name=roots/> nu diijikeun pikeun seleksi mutasi nu baris teu bisa nahan hirup di balong.<ref name="bristol"/> Lauk koki nu buntutna endah kacatet dina mangsa [[Dinasti Ming]].{{fact}} Dina taun 1603, lauk koki diwanohkeun ka [[Jepang]].<ref name="bristol"/> Dina taun 1611, lauk koki diwanohkeun ka [[Portugal]] ti dieu ka bagéan [[Éropa]].<ref name="bristol">{{cite web | url=http://www.bristol-aquarists.org.uk/goldfish/info/info.htm | title=Background information about goldfish | publisher=Bristol Aquarists' Society | accessdate=2006-07-28}}</ref>
Dina mangsa taun 1620an, lauk koki anu kacida diajén di Éropa Kidul kusabab sisit métalik, sarta ngalambangkan anu alus sarta kauntungan.{{fact}} Ieu jadi tradisi pikeun salaki méré pamajukanna lauk koki dina milangkala kahiji maranéhanana, minangka simbol pikeun datangna taun nu sejahtera.{{fact}} tradisi ieu gancang lastari, sakumahana lauk koki ngalobaan, kaleungitan status maranéhanana.{{fact}} Lauk koki mimiti diwanohkeun Amérika Kalér kira-kira taun 1850 sarta gancang kasohor di [[Amérika Sarikat|Amérika]] .<ref name=Brunner>{{cite book | last = Brunner | first = Bernd | title = The Ocean at Home | publisher = Princeton Architectural Press | year= 2003| location = New York | isbn = 1-56898-502-9 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Mulertt |first=Hugo |title=The Goldfish And Its Systematic Culture With A View To Profit |year=1883|url=https://archive.org/details/goldfishitssyste00mule |accessdate=2009-07-07}}</ref>
Ngabaranahkeun kalayan pinilih di unggal nagara mangabad-abad geus nghasilkeun sababaraha variasi kelir, sababaraha ti maranéhna geus jauh kaopupus tina kelir "emas" lauk nu awalna dilindeukkeun.{{fact}} Wangun awak nu béda, konfigurasi cécépét sarta mata.{{fact}} Sababaraha vérsi kstrim tina lauk koki hirup ngan [[akuarium]] —maranéhna jauh leuwih teu kuat batan variétas nu leuwih deukeut jeung nu "liar" asli.{{fact}} Sanajan kitu, sababaraha variasi leuwih kuat, siga ''Shubunkin''.{{fact}} Kiwari, aya kira-kira 300 paternak nu diajén di [[Républik Rahayat Tiongkok|China]].<ref name=roots/> Sabagéan gedé jenis ikan koki ayeuna asalna ti [[Républik Rahayat Tiongkok|China]].<ref name=roots/> Sababaraha variétas utama nyaéta:
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2"|[[Common goldfish|Lauk Koki Ilahar]]
! colspan="2"|[[Black Telescope|Téléskop Hideung]]
! colspan="2"|[[Bubble Eye|Mata Melendung]]
| <small>'''Common goldfish''' differ only in colour from their closest relative, the [[Prussian carp]]. Common goldfish come in a variety of colours including red, orange/gold, white, black and yellow or 'lemon' goldfish.</small>
| [[File:Common goldfish.JPG|120x120px]]
| <small>The '''Black telescope''' is a black variant of [[Telescope (goldfish)|telescope goldfish]] that has a characteristic pair of protruding eyes. It is also referred to as popeye, telescope, kuro demekin in [[Japan]] and dragon-eye in [[China]].</small>
| [[File:Black Moor Goldfish.jpg|120px]]
| <small>The small, fancy '''Bubble Eye''' has upward pointing eyes accompanied by two large fluid-filled sacs.</small>
| [[File:Bubble Eye goldfish.jpg|120px]]
! colspan="2"|[[Celestial Eye|Mata Surgawi]]
! colspan="2"|[[Comet (goldfish)|Komé]]<nowiki/>t
! colspan="2"|[[Fantail (goldfish)|Buntut Kipas]]
| <small>Fancy '''Celestial eye goldfish''' or ''Choten gan'' has a double tail and a breed-defining pair of upturned, telescope eyes with pupils gazing skyward.</small>
| [[File:Celestial eye goldfish.jpg|120px]]
| <small>The '''comet''' or '''comet-tailed goldfish''' is the most common fancy variety in the [[United States]]. It is similar to the [[common goldfish]], except slightly smaller and slimmer, and is mainly distinguished by its long, deeply forked tail.</small>
| [[File:Domesticcometgoldfish.jpg|120px]]
| <small>The '''Fantail''' goldfish is the western form of the [[Ryukin]] and possesses an egg-shaped body, a high dorsal fin, a long [[wikt:quadruple|quadruple]] caudal fin, and no shoulder hump.</small>
| [[File:Fan tailed goldfish.jpg|120px]]
! colspan="2"|[[Lionhead (goldfish)|Srah Singa]]
! colspan="2"|[[Oranda]]
! colspan="2"|[[Pearlscale|Sisit Mutiara]]
| <small>The fancy '''lionhéad''' has a hood. This [[fish]] is the [[wikt:Precursor|precursor]] to the [[ranchu]].</small>
| [[File:LionheadGoldfishSideviewRodsan18b.jpg|120px]]
| <small>The fancy '''oranda''' is characterised by a prominent raspberry-like hood (also known as ''wen'' or héadgrowth) that encases the whole héad except for the eyes and mouth.</small>
| [[File:OrangeOranda.jpg|120px]]
| <small>The fancy '''péarlscale''' or '''chinshurin''' in [[Japanese language|Japanese]], is spherical-bodied with finnage similar to the [[Fantail (goldfish)|fantail]].</small>
| [[File:Goldfish Pearl Scale.jpg|120px]]
! colspan="2"|[[Pompom (goldfish)|Pompom]]
! colspan="2"|[[Ryukin]]
! colspan="2"|[[Shubunkin]]
| <small>The fancy '''Pompoms''' or '''pompon''' or '''hana fusa''' have bundles of loose fleshy outgrowths between the nostrils, on éach side of the héad.</small>
| [[File:Chocolate Oranda with Red pompoms 2.jpg|120px]]
| <small>The fancy '''ryukin''' has a short, deep body with a characteristic shoulder hump.</small>
| [[File:Goldfish Ryukin.jpg|120px]]
| <small>Fancy and hardy [[Japan]]ese {{nihongo|'''Shubunkins'''|朱文金}} (translated literally as "red brocade") have a single tail with [[wikt:nacreous|nacreous]] scales, and a pattern known as [[Calico (goldfish)|calico]].</small>
| [[File:Clear shubunkin.jpg|120px]]
! colspan="2"|[[Telescope (goldfish)|Téléskop]]
! colspan="2"|[[Ranchu]]
! colspan="2"|[[Panda Telescope|Téléskop Panda]]
| <small>The fancy '''telescope''' is characterised by its protruding eyes. It is also known as '''globe eye''' or '''dragon eye''' goldfish.</small>
| [[File:DragonEye (bottom).jpg|120px]]
| <small>The fancy Japanese '''ranchu''' is hooded. The [[Japanese people|Japanese]] refer to it as the "king of goldfish".</small>
| [[File:Goldfish Ranchu 2.jpg|120px]]
| <small>The fancy '''panda telescope''' is a panda variant of [[Telescope (goldfish)|telescope goldfish]].</small>
| [[File:Pandamoor.jpg|120px]]
! colspan="2"|[[Veiltail|Buntut Tiung]]
! colspan="2"|[[Butterfly tail (goldfish)|Buntut Kukupu]]
! colspan="2"|[[Meteor goldfish|Koki Météor]]
| <small>The fancy '''veiltail''' is known for its extra-long, flowing double tail. modérn veiltail standards require little or no indentation of the trailing edges of the caudal fins, as in a wedding veil for a bride.</small>
| [[File:Welon (ryba).JPG|120px]]
| <small>The '''Butterfly Tail Moor or Butterfly Telescope''' is of the telescope-eye linéage, with twin tails best viewed from above. The spréad of the caudal fins resembles butterflies underwater.</small>
| [[File:calico-butterfly-tail-demekin.png|120px]]
| <small>The '''Metéor goldfish''' is a strange-looking variety that has been developed by specialist breeders of fancy goldfish. It has no tail fin, hence its name.<ref name=Bristol>[http://www.bristol-aquarists.org.uk/goldfish/goldfish.htm Fancy Goldfish Varieties, Bristol Aquarists' Society, Bristol-Aquarists.org], retrieved on: June 20, 2007</ref><ref name="autogenerated2002">Andrews, Dr. Chris. "An Interpet Guide to Fancy Goldfish", Interpet Publishing, 2002 - ISBN 1-902389-64-6</ref>
! colspan="2"|[[Lionchu|Singachu]]
! colspan="2"|[[Egg-fish goldfish|Koki Endog-lauk]]
! colspan="2"|[[Shukin]]
|<small>The '''Lionchu''' or '''lionhéad-ranchu''' is a fancy goldfish that has resulted from crossbreeding [[Lionhead (goldfish)|lionheads]] and [[ranchu]]s.<ref name="Ponzio">[https://web.archive.org/web/20110725073933/http://www.goldfishpages.com/Articles/What%20is%20a%20Lionchu.pdf "What is a Lionchu?" by Peter Ponzio, an article from the Goldfish Pages Website (Goldfish Society of America), date retrieved: 28 February 2013]</ref><ref name="GFSA">[https://web.archive.org/web/20110725074035/http://www.goldfishpages.com/Articles/GFSA%20Ask%20the%20Judges%2C%20Ranchus.pdf "GFSA - Ask the Judges", an article about the Lionchu by Larry Christensen, Peter Ponzio, Scott Taylor, Tony Reynolds and John Parker, from the Goldfish Pages Website (Goldfish Society of America), date retrieved: 28 February 2013]</ref>
|[[File:Goldfish Lionchu first orize winner.jpg|120px]]
|<small>The '''egg-fish''' goldfish is a fancy goldfish that lacks a [[dorsal fin]] and has a pronounced egg-shaped body.<ref name="Andrews">Andrews, Chris, Dr. An Interpet Guide to Fancy Goldfish, Interpet Publishing, 2002. - ISBN 1-902389-64-6</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.hagen.com/usa/aquatic/more.cfm |title=Nutrafin Aquatic News, Issue #4, 2004, Rolf C. Hagen, Inc. (USA) and Rolf C. Hagen Corp. (Montreal, Canada) |publisher=Hagen.com |accessdate=2011-11-19}}</ref>
|<small>The '''Shukin''' is Ranchu-like goldfish developed from [[Ranchu]] and [[Oranda]] at the end of the 19th century in Japan.
! colspan="2"|[[Curled-gill goldfish|Koki Insang-muringkel]]
! colspan="2"|[[Tamasaba]]
! colspan="2"|[[Tosakin]]
|<small>The '''Curled-gill''' or '''Reversed-gill''' goldfish is another uncommon variety of fancy goldfish that has been developed by specialist [[enthusiasts]]. It owes its name to the out-turned appéarance of its gill covers.<ref name="autogenerated2002"/><ref>Johnson, Dr. Erik L., D.V.M. and Richard E. Hess. Fancy Goldfish: A Complete Guide to Care and Collecting, Shambhala Publications, Inc., 2001 - ISBN 0-8348-0448-4</ref>
|[[File:Curled gill goldfish.jpg|120x150px]]
|<small>The '''Tamasaba''' or '''Sabao''' is an uncommon [[Japan]]ese variety of goldfish with a body shaped similar to the [[Ryukin]] and a very long, flowing, single tail that is similar to that of a [[mackerel]], hence its other name, [[Mackerel]] Tail.
|[[File:Tamasaba or Sabao.jpg|120x150px]]
|<small>The '''Tosakin''' or '''curly fantail goldfish''' is a very distinctive breed of goldfish with a large tail fin that spréads out horizontally (like a fan) béhind the fish. Though technically a divided tail, the two halves are attached at the center/middle forming a single fin.
! colspan="2"|[[White Telescope|Téléskop]]
|<small>The '''White telescope''' is a white variant of [[Telescope (goldfish)|telescope goldfish]] that has a white body and characteristic pair of protruding eyes.
===Klasifikasi Koki China===
Tradisi China ngagolongkeun lauk koki kana opat jenis utama.<ref>http://www.cnaquafish.com/html_news/QiYeXinWenTest-2-3.html</ref> Klasifikasi ieu teu ilahar dipaké di Kulon.{{fact}}
* Crucian (disebut ogé "jukut")—Koki tanpa fitur anatomi nu méwah.{{fact}} Ieu kaasup lauk koki ilahar, komét jeung Shubunkin.{{fact}}
* Wen—Koki nu mibanda buntut nu éndah, saperti Buntut Kipas jeung Buntut Tiung ("Wen" ogé ngaran tina karateristik hulu mekar saperti dina Oranda jeung Sirah Singa){{fact}}
* Dragon Eye—Koki nu mibanda kaleuwihan ukuran mata, contona., Téléskop Hideung, Mata Melendung, and Mata Téléskop{{fact}}
* Egg—Koki nu teu mibanda cecepet tonggong, sarta ilaharna mibanda awak 'wangun-endog' have an ' saperti., Sirah Singa (catet yén Mata Melendung tanpa cécépét tonggong asup kana golopngan ieu).{{fact}}
===Spésiés patali===
[[File:CarassiusCarassius8.JPG|thumb|alt=A golden coloured fish with silvery highlights, facing right|Lauk emas [[Crucian carp|Crucian]] (''Carassius carassius'')]]
[[File:Carassius gibelio 2008 G2.jpg|thumb|alt=A pale silvery and brownish fish, facing left|Lauk emas [[Prussian carp|Prussian]] liar (''Carassius auratus gibelio'')]]
[[File:Carassius wild golden fish 2013 G1.jpg|thumb|alt=An orange coloured fish, facing right|Lauk emas [[Prussian]] kelir oranyeu jambul kalayan kelir siga lauk koki. ]]
Lauk koki nu dibaranahkeun ti lauk emas [[Prussian carp|Prussian]] (''Carassius auratus gibelio'') di China, sarta ilaharna lauk kelir héjo zaitun ieu masih relatip deukeut jeung lauk koki liar .<ref name="Evolutionary origin">{{cite journal|last=Komiyama |first=Tomoyoshi |author2=Hiroyuki Kobayashi |author3=Yoshio Tateno |author4=Hidetoshi Inoko |author5=Takashi Gojobori |author6=Kazuho Ikeo |title=An evolutionary origin and selection process of goldfish |journal=Gene |date=February 2009 |volume=430 |issue=1–2|pmid=19027055 |pages=5–11 |doi=10.1016/j.gene.2008.10.019|url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T39-4TVTJKP-5/2/cb35c47220bf1552372c4df41aa6e58e|accessdate=2010-08-09}}</ref><ref name="matsui">{{cite web|title=Common Gold Fish |work=Aquarticles |author=Les Pearce |url=http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/ponds/Pearce_Common_Goldfishhtml.htm |accessdate=20 June 2006 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20060528173947/http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/ponds/Pearce_Common_Goldfishhtml.htm |archivedate=28 May 2006 |df= }}</ref> Saméméhna, sababaraha sumber ngaku lauk emas Crucian (Cyprinus carpio) minangka vrési liar tina lauk koki.{{fact}} Sanajan kitu, maranéhna dibédakeun ku sababaraha ciri ''C. auratus'' boga sungut nu leuwih méncos sedengkeun sungut ''C. carassius'' buleud. ''C. a. gibelio'' mindeng mibanda kelir kulawu/semu héjo, sedengkeun lauk emas ''crucian'' osok kelir emas parunggu.{{fact}} Lauk emas ''Juvenile crucian mibanda'' titik hideung di puhu buntut nu baris leungit kalayan nambahna umur.{{fact}} Dina ''C. auratus'' titik hideung dina buntut ieu teu kungsi. ''C. auratus'' have fewer than 31 scales along the lateral line while crucian carp have 33 scales or more.mibanda kurang ti 31 sisit di sapanjang gurat lateral sedengkeun lauk emas ''crucian'' mibanda 33 sisit atawa leuwih.{{fact}}
Kawas karuhun liar maranéhanana, ilaharna koki komét ogé shubunkin bisa tahan hirup, sarta malah mekar, dina iklim naon waé nu bisa ngarojong balong, sedengkeun lauk koki kelir cerah méwah pamohalan pikeun tahan hirup di alam liar sarta cécépét panjang ngalantarankeun maranéhna sasaran dihakan.{{fact}} Lauk emas bisa dibaranahkeun silang kalayan sababaraha jenis lauk emas séjénna sarta ''C. a. Gibelio''. Dina generasi baranahan katilu, lolobana anu endog vampuran baris balik deui kana kelir jenis lauk liar.{{fact}} [[Koi]] ogé bisa baranahan silang kalayan lauk emas pikeun ngahasilkeun campuran stéril.{{fact}}
Dina bulan April 2008, lauk koki panggedéna di dunya dipercaya ku [[BBC]] diukur {{convert|19|in|cm}}, hirup di [[Walanda]].<ref name=BBC17Apr2008>{{cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/7352909.stm |title=Giant goldfish 'simply amazing' |publisher=BBC News |date=17 April 2008 |accessdate=17 July 2010}}</ref> Harita, koki dingaranan "Goldie", diingu minangka sato inguan dina bak di [[Folkestone]], Inggris, Diukur 15 inci (38&nbsp;cm) sarta leuwih ti 2 pon (0,91&nbsp;kg), tur ngaranna salaku panggedéna kadua di dunya handapeun lauk Walanda.<ref name=BBC17Apr2008/> Dina bulan Juli 2010, lauk koki diukur {{convert|16|in|cm}} sarta {{convert|5|lb|kg}} ditéwak di balong di [[Poole]], Inggris, sigana geus ngagedéan ngaleuwihan bak.<ref name=BBC15Jul2010>{{cite news|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-10649008 |title=Surrey schoolboy catches 5lb goldfish in Dorset lake |publisher=BBC News |date=15 July 2010 |accessdate=17 July 2010}}</ref>
Lauk koki mibanda salah sahiji pancaindera nu paling kudu diulik ngeunaan panénjona.<ref name = "Neumeyer">{{cite book |title=Sensory Processing in Aquatic Environments |last=Neumeyer |first=C.|editor=Collin, S.P. |editor2=Marshall, N.J. |chapter=Color Vision in Fishes and Its Neural Basis |year=2003|publisher=Springer-Verlag |location=New York |isbn=|page=223|quote=In goldfish, as the best investigated fish species[...]}}</ref> Lauk koki mibanda opat rupa [[cone cell|''cone cells'']], nu masing-masing sénsitif pikeun kelir-kelir nu béda: beureum, héjo, bulao sarta [[ultraviolet]].{{fact}} Kamampuh pikeun ngabédakeun antara opat kelir primér nu béda maranéhna diklasifikasikeun minangka [[tetrachromacy|''tetrachromats'']].<ref>{{cite book| last = Neumeyer| first = Christa | title = Das Farbensehen des Goldfisches: Eine verhaltensphysiologische Analyse|year = 1988| publisher = G. Thieme| isbn = 313718701X}}</ref>
Lauk koki mibanda paripolah nu alus, boh sacara kolompok atawa sorangan, nu asalna tina lauk emas.{{fact}} Maranéhna nyaéta spesiés nu ilahar kalayan rupa-rupa parab, baranahan, sarta paripolah nyingkahan prédator avoidance béhaviours nu ngarojong kana kasuksésan maranéhna.{{fact}} Salaku lauk maranéhna bisa didadarkeun salaku nu "soméah" ka unggal lauk lianna.{{fact}} Langka pisan lauk koki nyerang lauk koki séjénna, atawa lauk jalu nyilakakeun laku bikang dina mangsa mijah.{{fact}} Hiiji-hijinana anceman nyaéta ngan parebut hakaneun.{{fact}} Lauk koki ilahar, koki komét sarta varietas nu leuwih gancang lianna bisa kalayan babari nyapluk hakaneun saencan varietas méwah nyapluk hakaneun.{{fact}} Hal ieu bisa ngabalukarkeun variétas nu méwah (alus) tumuwuh kerdil (leutik) atawa mungkin kalaparan lamun dihijikeun jeung lauk koki ilahar.{{fact}} Cindekna, kudu misahleun nu béda katurunan, tipe awak sarta karakteristik ngojayna.{{fact}}
[[File:Aquarium - dried food2.jpg|thumb|alt=On a blue background, two large light red wafers at the upper left, a light gray compressed cube at the upper right, small brown pellets at the middle left, and, at the middle right and bottom, various yellow-green and red flakes|Rupa-rupa parab lauk]]
{{See also|Fish food}}
Di alam liar, hakaneun lauk koki nyaéta terdiri [[crustacean|''crustaceans'']] , sarangga, sarta tutuwuhan. Siga kalolobaan lauk séjénna, maranéhna nyaéta purah baranghakan sarta teu daék eureun dahar saluyu jeung kayang sorangan. Loba teuing barang dahar bisa ngaruksak keséhatan maranéhna, biasana ususna mengpet. Hal ieu paling mindeng kajadian dina lauk koki pinilih, nu mibanda saluran usus leuwih pabeulit. Lamun kaleuwihan hakaneun, maranéhna leuwih lona ngahasilkeun limbah jeung kotoran, sabagian kusabab pancernaan protéin nu teu lengkep.
Parab lauk koki mibanda sautik protéin sarta leuwih loba karbohidrat dibandingkeun jeung parab lauk konvénsional. Panggemar bisa nambahan parab ku kacang polong nu dipesék kulitna , Sayuran héjo nu daunna sepa, sarta cacing.
Goldfish may only grow to sexual maturity with enough water and the right nutrition. Most goldfish breed in captivity, particularly in pond settings. Breeding usually happens after a significant temperature change, often in spring. Males chase gravid female goldfish (females carrying eggs), and prompt them to reléase their eggs by bumping and nudging them.
Goldfish, like all [[cyprinid]]s, are egg-layers. Their eggs are adhesive and attach to aquatic vegetation, typically dense plants such as ''[[Cabomba]]'' or ''[[Elodea]]'' or a spawning mop. The eggs hatch within 48 to 72 hours.
Within a week or so, the [[Spawn (biology)|fry]] begins to assume its final shape, although a yéar may pass before they develop a mature goldfish colour; until then they are a metallic brown like their wild ancestors. In their first weeks of life, the fry grow quickly—an adaptation born of the high risk of getting devoured by the adult goldfish (or other fish and insects) in their environment.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://thefishvet.com.au/pdf/Care_Gf_byRL.pdf|title=Goldfish (''Carassius auratus'')|first=Richmond|last=Loh|publisher=The Fish Vet.com|accessdate=December 31, 2013}}</ref>
Some highly bred goldfish can no longer breed naturally due to their altered shape. The artificial breeding method called "hand stripping" can assist nature, but can harm the fish if not done correctly. In captivity, adults may also éat young that they encounter.
Breeding goldfish by the hobbyist is the process of selecting adult fish to reproduce, allowing them to reproduce and then raising the resulting offspring while continually removing fish that do not approach the desired pedigree. The process is described here in detail.<ref>[http://thefishdoctor.co.uk/breeding/a-guide-to-keeping-and-breeding-fancy-goldfish/] Breeding fancy goldfish</ref>
|[[File:Goldfisheggs.JPG|thumb|300px|Endog lauk koki némbongkeun bagéan sél]]
|[[File:Goldfishfry.JPG|thumb|300px|Burayak Koki (Ryukin)]]
===Dina akuarium===
Like most species in the carp family, goldfish produce a large amount of waste both in their [[faeces]] and through their [[gills]], reléasing harmful [[chemical]]s into the water. Build-up of this waste to [[toxic]] levels can occur in a relatively short period of time, and can éasily cause a goldfish's déath. For common and comet varieties, éach goldfish should have about {{convert|20|usgal}} of water. Fancy goldfish (which are smaller) should have about {{convert|10|usgal}} per goldfish. The water surface aréa determines how much [[oxygen]] diffuses and dissolves into the water. A general rule is have {{convert|1|sqft}}. Active [[aeration]] by way of a [[water pump]], [[filter (water)|filter]] or [[fountain]] effectively incréases the surface aréa.
The goldfish is classified as a [[coldwater fish]], and can live in unhéated [[aquarium|aquaria]] at a temperature comfortable for humans. However, rapid changes in temperature (for example in an office building in winter when the héat is turned off at night) can kill them, especially if the tank is small. Care must also be taken when adding water, as the new water may be of a different temperature. Temperatures under about {{convert|10|C|F}} are dangerous to fancy varieties, though commons and comets can survive slightly lower temperatures. Extremely high temperatures (over {{convert|30|C|F}} can also harm goldfish. However, higher temperatures may help fight [[protozoa]]n infestations by accelerating the [[parasite]]'s life-cycle—thus eliminating it more quickly. The optimum temperature for goldfish is between {{convert|20|C|F}} and {{convert|22|C|F}}.<ref name="autogenerated1">{{cite web|url=http://www.mypets.net.au/flex/goldfish/528/1 |title=Goldfish |publisher=Mypets.net.au |accessdate=2011-11-19}}</ref>
Like all fish, goldfish do not like to be petted. In fact, touching a goldfish can endanger its héalth, because it can cause the protective slime coat to be damaged or removed, exposing the fish’s skin to infection from bacteria or water-born parasites. However, goldfish respond to péople by surfacing at feeding time, and can be trained or acclimated to taking pellets or flakes from human fingers. The reputation of goldfish dying quickly is often due to poor care.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.experiencefestival.com/goldfish |title=Goldfish |publisher=Experiencefestival.com |accessdate=2011-11-19 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20111212210227/http://www.experiencefestival.com/goldfish |archivedate=2011-12-12 |df= }}</ref> The lifespan of goldfish in captivity can extend beyond 10 yéars.<ref>http://www.bbc.com/news/29210991</ref>
If left in the dark for a period of time, goldfish gradually change colour until they are almost gray.{{Citation needed|date=April 2010}} Goldfish produce pigment in response to light, in a similar manner to how human skin becomes [[sun tanning|tanned]] in the sun. Fish have cells called [[chromatophore]]s that produce pigments which reflect light, and give the fish colouration. The colour of a goldfish is determined by which pigments are in the cells, how many pigment molecules there are, and whether the pigment is grouped inside the cell or is spaced throughout the cytoplasm.
Because goldfish éat live plants, their presence in a [[aquascaping|planted aquarium]] can be problematic. Only a few aquarium plant species for example ''[[Cryptocoryne]]'' and ''[[Anubias]]'', can survive around goldfish, but they require special attention so that they are not uprooted. Plastic plants are more durable.
===Dina balong===
[[File:Red Oranda goldfish in outdoor pond.jpg|thumb|Oranda Beureum (Wen) koki jarang di balong luar rohangan kalayan taraté .]]
Goldfish are popular pond fish, since they are small, inexpensive, colourful and very hardy. In an outdoor pond or [[water garden]], they may even survive for brief periods if [[ice]] forms on the surface, as long as there is enough [[oxygen]] remaining in the water and the pond does not freeze solid. Common goldfish, London and Bristol shubunkins, jikin, wakin, comet and some hardier fantail goldfish can be kept in a pond all yéar round in temperate and subtropical climates. Moor, veiltail, oranda and lionhéad can be kept safely in outdoor ponds yéar-round only in more tropical climates and only in summer elsewhere.
Ponds small and large are fine in warmer aréas (although it ought to be noted that goldfish can "overheat" in small volumes of water in summer in tropical climates). In frosty climes the depth should be at léast {{convert|80|cm|in|sp=us}} to preclude freezing. During winter, goldfish become sluggish, stop éating and often stay on the bottom of the pond. This is normal; they become active again in the spring. Unless the pond is large enough to maintain its own ecosystem without interference from humans, a filter is important to cléar waste and keep the pond cléan. Plants are essential as they act as part of the filtration system, as well as a food source for the fish. Plants are further beneficial since they raise oxygen levels in the water.
Compatible fish include [[rudd]], [[tench]], [[orfe]] and [[koi]], but the latter require specialised care. [[Ramshorn snail]]s are helpful by éating any [[algae]] that grows in the pond. Without some form of [[animal population control]], goldfish ponds can éasily become overstocked. Fish such as [[orfe]] consume goldfish eggs.
===Pikeun ngadalikeun reungit===
Like some other popular aquarium fish, such as the [[guppy]], goldfish and other carp are frequently added to [[stagnant (water)|stagnant]] bodies of water to reduce [[mosquito]] populations. They are used to prevent the spréad of [[West Nile Virus]], which relies on mosquitoes to migrate. However, [[introduced species|introducing]] goldfish has often had negative consequences for local [[ecosystem]]s.<ref>{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/?id=lNkwt3gX-2cC&pg=PA154&dq=goldfish+released+into+the+wild#v=onepage&q=goldfish%20released%20into%20the%20wild&f=false|title=Biotechnology Deskbook|author1=William L. Arnold|author2=William L. Anderson|page=154|year=2001|publisher=Environmental Law Institute|isbn=1-58576-029-3}}</ref>
== Welfare concerns ==
[[File:Goldfish Scooped Up.jpg|thumb|alt=View from above of children gathered around a pale blue rectangular tub filled with many small orange fish swimming in water. A girl at the top of the scene leans over the tub, with a pink scoop in her right hand and a white bowl in her left hand.|Kaulinan urang Jepang nyiuk lauk koki]]
[[wikt:fishbowl|Fishbowls]] are not appropriate housing for goldfish, and are so detrimental to their héalth and well-being that they are prohibited by [[animal welfare]] legislation in several municipalities.<ref name="The Times">{{cite news | url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-1844070,00.html | title=Rome bans goldfish bowls, orders dog owners on walks&nbsp;– World&nbsp;– Times Online | accessdate=2006-07-21 | location=London | work=The Times | first1=Sam | last1=Knight | date=2005-10-26}}</ref><ref name="Council bans goldfish bowls">{{cite news | url=http://www.abc.net.au/news/2004-07-24/council-bans-goldfish-bowls/2014352 | title=Council bans goldfish bowls | accessdate=2015-04-21 | work=ABC Australian Broadcast Corporation | date=2004-07-23}}</ref> The practice of using bowls as permanent fish housing originated from a misunderstanding of Chinese "display" vessels: goldfish which were normally housed in ponds were, on occasion, temporarily displayed in smaller containers to be better admired by guests.<ref name="bristol" />
Goldfish kept in bowls or "mini aquariums" suffer from déath, diséase, and [[stunted growth|stunting]], due primarily to the low oxygen and very high [[ammonia]]/[[nitrite]] levels inherent in such an environment.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://goldfishcareguide.com/2008/03/05/5-reasons-not-to-use-goldfish-bowls/|title=5 reasons not to use goldfish bowls |accessdate=2009-02-01|date=2008-03-05|publisher=Goldfish Care Guide}}</ref> In comparison to other common aquarium fish, goldfish have high oxygen needs and produce a large amount of waste; therefore they require a substantial volume of well-filtered water to thrive. In addition, all goldfish varieties have the potential to réach 5" (12.7&nbsp;cm) in total length, with single-tailed breeds often exceeding a foot (30.5&nbsp;cm); méaning that an adult goldfish kept in a bowl will be approximately as cramped as a five-week-old kitten trapped in a shoebox.
In many countries, [[carnival]] and [[fair]] operators commonly give goldfish away in [[plastic]] bags as [[prize]]s. In late 2005 [[Rome]] banned the use of goldfish and other animals as carnival prizes. Rome has also banned the use of "goldfish bowls", on animal cruelty grounds,<ref name="The Times"/> as well as Monza, Italy, in 2004.<ref name="Council bans goldfish bowls"/> In the [[United Kingdom]], the [[government]] proposed banning this practice as part of its Animal Welfare Bill,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/welfare/bill/index.htm |title=Defra, UK&nbsp;– Animal Health and Welfare&nbsp;– Animal Welfare&nbsp;– Animal Welfare Bill |accessdate=2006-07-21 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20060820191520/http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/welfare/bill/index.htm |archivedate=2006-08-20 |df= }}</ref><ref>
[[BBC News Online]] - [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3893889.stm Goldfish are no longer to be given as prizes]</ref> though this has since been amended to only prevent goldfish being given as prizes to unaccompanied minors.<ref>
[[BBC News Online]] - [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4174457.stm Ban on goldfish prizes 'dropped']</ref>
In [[Japan]], during summer féstivals and religious holidays ([[ennichi]]), a traditional game called [[goldfish scooping]] is played, in which a player scoops goldfish from a basin with a special scooper. Sometimes [[bouncy ball]]s are substituted for goldfish.
Although edible and closely related to some fairly widely éaten species, goldfish are rarely éaten. A fad among [[United States|American]] college students for many yéars was [[Goldfish swallowing|swallowing goldfish]] as a [[stunt]] and as a [[Fraternities and sororities|fraternity]] initiation process. The first recorded instance was in 1939 at [[Harvard University]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://library.thinkquest.org/3205/SwalG.html |title=Swallowing Goldfish |accessdate=2006-07-21 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20060618034748/http://library.thinkquest.org/3205/SwalG.html |archivedate=2006-06-18 |df= }}</ref> The practice gradually fell out of popularity over the course of several decades and is rarely practiced today.
In [[Iran]] and among the international [[Iranian diaspora]], goldfish are a traditional part of [[Nowruz#Haft Sīn|Nowruz]] celebrations. Some animal advocates have called for boycotts of goldfish purchases, citing industrial farming and low survival rates of the fish.<ref>[http://www.greenprophet.com/2012/03/goldfish-nowruz-iranian-new-year/ 5 Million Goldfish Die for Nowruz – the Iranian New Year | Green Prophet]</ref><ref>[https://globalvoicesonline.org/2012/03/16/iran-a-nowruz-new-year-without-goldfish/ Iran: A Nowruz New Year Without Goldfish? · Global Voices]</ref>
==Tempo ogé==
* [[Aquaculture]]
* [[List of goldfish varieties]]
==Catetan jeung référénsi==
==Tumbu kaluar==
{{Commons|Carassius auratus}}
* {{ITIS |id=163350 |taxon=Carassius auratus |accessdate=5 October 2004}}
* {{FishBase_species alt|ID=271|taxon=Carassius auratus auratus|year=2004|month=September}}
* [http://www.bristol-aquarists.org.uk/goldfish/goldfish.htm Bristol Aquarists' Society: Goldfish]&nbsp;— Photographs and descriptions of the different goldfish varieties.
{{Goldfish breeds}}
{{Portalbar|Aquarium fish|Fish|Marine Life|Animals|Biology}}
Anni lutscht gerne schwarze Schwänze!!!
[[Kategori:Goldfish| ]]
[[Kategori:Animals described in 1758]]