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'''Komputer''' nyaeta hiji [[wiktionary:device|alat]] atawa [[wiktionary:machine|mesin]] keur nyieun [[wiktionary:calculation|itungan]] atawa kontrol operasi nu bisa ditembongkeun dina watesan [[wiktionary:numerical|numeris]] atawa [[wiktionary:logical|logis]]. Komputers dumasar kana sipat fisikna sarta nu pakait nembongkeun sababaraha hal atawa hal tina masalah dina hiji bagian, maka pakait mekanik bakal sacara otomatis ngahasilkeun "penyelesaian" tina masalah. Dasar teori keur itungan make komputer disebut '''[[élmu komputer]].'''
==GeneralPrinsip principlesumum==
Komputer bisa meta ku ayana ketak bagian mékanis, [[éléktron]], [[foton]], [[partikel kuantum]], atawa fénoména fisik séjén nu bisa dijéntrékeun.
Computers can work through the movement of mechanical parts, electrons, photons, quantum particles, or any other reasonably well understood physical phenomenon. Although computers have been built out of Tinker Toys and toilet paper rolls, nearly all computers today are electronic (for practical reasons like cost and speed).
Computers may ''directly'' model the problem being solved, in the sense that the problem being solved is mapped as closely as possible onto the physical phenomena being exploited. For example, electron flows might be used to model the flow of water in a dam. Such ''analog'' computers were once common in the 1960s but are now rare. In most computers today, the problem is translated into mathematical terms, then reduced to simple [[Boolean algebra]]. Electronic circuits are then used to represent Boolean operations. Since almost all of mathematics can be reduced to Boolean operations, a sufficiently fast electronic computer is capable of attacking the majority of mathematical problems, and much, much more. This basic idea, which made modern ''digital'' computers possible, was formally identified and explored by [[Claude E. Shannon]].