Hidrolisis: Béda antarrépisi

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'''Hidrolisis tumbu péptida asam amino'''
Dina réaksi hidrolisis séjénna kayaning hidrolisis [[tumbu péptida]] asam amino, ukur salasahiji produk, produk asam karboxilat, nu boga gugus hidroxida nu diturunkeun ti cai. Produk amin nampa ion hidrogén sésana.
In other hydrolysis reactions such as hydrolysing the [[peptide link]]s of amino acids only one of the products, the carboxylic acid product, has a hydroxide group derived from the water. The amine product gains the remaining hydrogen ion.
Hidrolisis bisa dianggap salaku sabalikna ti [[réaksi kondensasi|kondensasi]], nalika dua popotongan disambungkeun pikeun tiap molekul cai nu dihasilkeun. Kusabab hidrolisis réaksina bisa malik, kondensasi jeung hidrolisis bisa lumangsung sakaligus dina kaayaan kasatimbangan.
Hydrolysis can be considered as the opposite of [[condensation reaction |condensation]], in which two fragments are joined for each water molecule produced. As hydrolysis is a reversible reaction, condensation and hydrolysis can take place at the same time the position of equilibrium determining the amount of each product.
===Kateubisamalikan hidrolisis dina kaayaan fisiologis===
===Irreversibility of hydrolysis under physiological conditions===
UnderDina physiologicalkaayaan conditionsfisiologis (i.e.misalna indina diluteleyuran aqueouséncér solutioncai), aréaksi hydrolyticmeulah cleavage reactionhidrolitik, wherenalika thekonsentrasi concentrationprékursor ofmétabolikna a metabolic precursor is lowrendah (on the order ofti 10<sup>-3</sup> tonepi ka 10<sup>-6</sup> molar), issacara essentially thermodynamicallyprinsip [[thermodynamics|irreversibletérmodinamik]]. Toteu givebisa anmalik. example:Pikeun conto,
:A + H<sub>2</sub>O &rarr; X + Y