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Baris ka-70:
*[[Tridactylidae]] (pygmy mole crickets)
Nu "pangpentingna" nyaéta [[Acrididae]], nu ngawengku kira 10.000 spésiés. Kulawarga ieu dicirikeun ku suku jeung jangjang nalika geus sawawa, nu kelirna cékas jeung sampurna. As well as singing by rubbing their legs together, there may also be a visual display. Kulawarga Acrididae ngawengku [[bejog]] (''Locust''), nu bisa jadi hama [[tatanén]] nu bahya pisan.
Endog simeut diteundeun dina taneuh, dikubeng ku zat busa nu ngajaga dina mangsa inkubasi; biasana mah bisa nepi ka 400-500 endog.
Baris ka-102:
Respiration is done through tracheae, air-filled tubes which open at the surfaces of the thorax and abdomen through pairs of spiracles. The spiracle valves only open to allow oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. The tracheoles, found at the end of the tracheal tubes, are insinuated between cells and carry oxygen through the body.
==Pedaran lianna==
===Simeut salaku katuangan===