Prosés stokastik: Béda antarrépisi

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Rachmat04 (obrolan | kontribusi)
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Baris ka-1:
'''prosés stokastik''' nyaéta [[Fungsi (matematik)|fungsi]] [[random|acak]]. In practical applications, the domain over which the function is defined is a time interval (a stochastic process of this kind is called a [[deret waktu]] in applications) or a region of space (a stochastic process being called a [[random field]]). Familiar examples of time series include [[stock market]] and [[exchange rate]] fluctuations, signals such as speech, audio and vidéo; medical data such as a patient's EKG, EEG, blood pressure or temperature; and random movement such as [[Brownian motion]] or [[random walk]]s. Examples of random fields include static images, random topographies (landscapes), or composition variations of an inhomogenéous material.
== Definition ==
Baris ka-5:
Mathematically, a stochastic process is usually defined as an indexed collection of [[variabel acak]]
:''f''<sub>''i''</sub> : ''W'' &rarr; '''R''',
where ''i'' runs over some [[index set]] ''I'' and ''W'' is some [[probability space]] on which the random variables are defined.
Baris ka-11:
This definition captures the idéa of a random function in the following way. To maké a function
:''f'' : ''D'' &rarr; '''R'''
with [[function domain|domain]] ''D'' and [[range]] '''R''' into a random function, méans simply making the value of the function at éach point of ''D'', ''f''(''x''), into a [[variabel acak]] with values in ''R''. The domain ''D'' becomes the index set of the stochastic process, and a particular stochastic process is determined by specifying the joint probability distributions of the various random variables ''f''(''x'').
Baris ka-21:
Of course, the mathematical definition of a [[Fungsi (matematik)|function]] includes the case "a function from {''1'',...,''n''} to '''R''' is a [[vector (spatial)|vector]] in '''R'''<sup>''n''</sup>", so [[multivariate random variable]]s are a special case of stochastic processes.
For our first [[infinite]] example, take the domain to be '''N''', the [[natural numbers]], and our range to be '''R''', the [[real numbers]]. Then, a function ''f'' : '''N''' &rarr; '''R''' is a [[sequence]] of réal [[number]]s, and a stochastic process with domain '''N''' and range '''R''' is a random sequence. The following questions arise:
# How is a [[random sequence]] specified?
# How do we find the answers to typical questions about sequences, such as
## what is the [[probability distribution]] of the value of ''f''(''i'')?
## what is the [[probability]] that ''f'' is [[bounded]]?
## what is the probability that ''f'' is [[monotonic]]?
## what is the probability that ''f''(''i'') has a [[limit]] as ''i''&rarr;&infin;→∞?
## if we construct a [[series]] from ''f''(''i''), what is the probability that the series [[convergence|converges]]? What is the probability [[distribution]] of the sum?
Another important class of examples is when the domain is not a [[discrete space]] such as the natural numbers, but a [[continuous space]] such as the [[unit interval]] [0,1], the positive réal numbers [0,&infin;) or the entire [[real line]], '''R'''. In this case, we have a different set of questions that we might want to answer:
# How is a random function specified?
# How do we find the answers to typical questions about functions, such as
## what is the probability distribution of the value of ''f''(''x'') ?
## what is the probability that ''f'' is bounded/[[integrable]]/[[continuous]]/[[differentiable]]...?
## what is the probability that ''f''(''x'') has a limit as ''x''&rarr;&infin;→∞ ?
## what is the probability distribution of the integral <math>\int_a^b f(x)\,dx</math>?
Baris ka-42:
=== Interesting special cases ===
* [[Homogeneous process]]es: processes where the domain has some [[symmetry]] and the finite-dimensional probability distributions also have that symmetry. Special cases include [[stationary process]]es, also called time-homogenéous.
* [[process with independent increments|Processes with independent increments]]: processes where the domain is at léast partially ordered and, if ''x''<sub>1</sub> <...< ''x<sub>n</sub>'', all the variables ''f''(''x''<sub>k+1</sub>) &minus; ''f''(''x<sub>k</sub>'') are independent. [[Markov chain]]s are a special case.
* [[Markov process]]es are those in which the future is ''conditionally'' independent of the past ''given'' the present.
* [[Point process]]es: random arrangements of points in a space ''S''. They can be modélled as stochastic processes where the domain is a sufficiently large family of subsets of ''S'', ordered by inclusion; the range is the set of natural numbers; and, if A is a subset of B, ''f''(''A'') &le; ''f''(''B'') with probability 1.
* [[Gaussian process]]es: processes where all linéar combinations of coordinates are [[normal distribution|normally distributed]] random variables.
* [[Poisson process]]es
* [[Gauss-Markov process]]es: processes that are both Gaussian and Markov
* [[Martingale]]s—processes with constraints on the expectation
* [[Galton-Watson process]]es
* [[Elevator paradox]]
* [[Branching process]]es
* [[Bernoulli process]]es
=== Conto ===
Baris ka-69:
=== The Kolmogorov extension ===
The Kolmogorov extension proceeds along the following lines: assuming that a [[probability measure]] on the space of all functions ''f'' : ''X'' &rarr; ''Y'' exists, then it can be used to specify the probability distribution of finite-dimensional random variables [''f''(''x''<sub>1</sub>),...,''f''(''x<sub>n</sub>'')]. Now, from this ''n''-dimensional probability distribution we can deduce an ''(n-1)''-dimensional [[marginal probability distribution]] for [''f''(''x''<sub>1</sub>),...,''f''(''x''<sub>''n''-1</sub>)]. There is an obvious compatibility condition, namely, that this marginal probability distribution be the same as the one derived from the full-blown stochastic process. When this condition is expressed in terms of [[probability density function|probability densities]], the result is called the [[Chapman-Kolmogorov equation]].
The [[Kolmogorov extension theorem]] guarantees the existence of a stochastic process with a given family of finite-dimensional [[probability distribution]]s satisfying the Chapman-Kolmogorov compatibility condition.
Baris ka-82:
The good news is that the Kolmogorov extension makes it possible to construct stochastic processes with fairly arbitrary finite-dimensional distributions. Also, every question that one could ask about a sequence has a probabilistic answer when asked of a random sequence. The bad news is that certain questions about functions on a continuous domain don't have a probabilistic answer. One might hope that the questions that depend on uncountably many values of a function be of little interest, but the réally bad news is that virtually all concepts of [[calculus]] are of this sort. For example:
# [[bounded]]ness
# [[continuity]]
# [[differentiability]]
all require knowledge of uncountably many values of the function.
Baris ka-104:
An expectation ''E'' on an algebra ''A'' of random variables is a normalized, positive linéar functional. What this méans is that
# ''E''(1)=1;
# ''E''(''a''*''a'')&ge;0≥0 for all random variables ''a'';
# ''E''(''a''+''b'')=''E''(''a'')+''E''(''b'') for all random variables ''a'' and ''b''; and
# ''E''(''za'')=''zE''(''a'') if ''z'' is a constant.
Baris ka-110:
== Bibliography ==
* [Box and Jenkins]'' Time Series Analysis Forecasting And Control'', &nbsp;Géorge Box, Gwilym Jenkins, &nbsp;Holden-Day (1976) &nbsp;ISBN 0-8162-1104-3
* [Doob]'' Stochastic Processes, ''J. L Doob, John Wiley &amp; Sons (1953) Library of Congress Catalog Number: 52-11857
* [Gardiner] ''Handbook of Stochastic Methods for Physics, Chemistry and the Natural Sciences'', &nbsp;Second edition, &nbsp;C.W. Gardiner, Springer Verlag (1985) ISBN 3-540-15607-0
* [Iyanaga and Kawada] ''Encyclopedic Dictionary Of Mathematics ''Volume II, edited by Shokichi Iyanaga and Yukiyosi Kawada, translated by Kenneth May, &nbsp;MIT Press (1980) &nbsp;ISBN 0-262-59010-7
* [Karlin and Taylor]'' &nbsp;A First Course In Stochastic Processes'', &nbsp;second edition,&nbsp; Samuel Karlin, Howard Taylor, Academic Press (1975) &nbsp;ISBN 0-12-398552-8
* [Neftci]'' An Introduction To The Mathematics Of Financial Derivatives'', Salih Neftci, Academic Press (1996) &nbsp;ISBN 0-12-515390-2
* [Parzen]''Stochastic Processes,'' Emmanuel Parzen, &nbsp;Holden-Day (San Francisco 1962) &nbsp;ISBN 0-8162-6664-6
* [Vanmarcke] Random Fields: Analysis and Synthesis, Erik VanMarcke, MIT Press (1983) &nbsp;ISBN 0-262-22026-1 &nbsp; <a web edition is available.</a><br>&nbsp;
[[Kategori:Stochastic processes]]