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Baris ka-22:
'''Langir''' atawa '''kala''' nyaéta [[arthropoda]] predator ti ordo '''Scorpiones''' di kelas [[Arachnida]]. Sukuna aya dalapan, boga ciri utama sapasang cacapit anu badag jeung [[buntut]] leutik anu tungtungna boga panyeureud, gedéna antara 9&nbsp;mm (''[[Typhlochactas mitchelli]]'') nepi ka 20&nbsp;cm (''[[Hadogenes troglodytes]]'').<ref>{{cite book |title=Invertebrate Zoology |author=Edward E. Ruppert, Richard S. Fox, Robert D. Barnes |year=2004 |publisher=Brooks/Cole |isbn=978-81-315-0104-7}}</ref><ref name=”Rig”>{{Cite book | title = A Dictionary of the Sunda Language of Java| last = Jonathan| first =Rigg | publisher =Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen | location =Universitas Harvard | year =1862 }}</ref>
Tapak évolusi langir kapanggih nepi ka jaman Siluria 430 juta taun kaliwat, hirup dina rupa-rupa lingkungan di sakuliah buana, iwal [[Antartika]]. Anu geus kacatet, aya 1750 [[spésiés]],<ref>{{cite web |url=http://kovarex.com/scorpio/pdf/scorpions-Kovarik-2009.pdf |format=PDF |author=František Kovařík |year=2009 |title=Illustrated catalog of scorpions, Part I |accessdate=January 22, 2011}}</ref> anu kabagi 13 famili. Tina anu loba ieu, ngan 25-an anu peurahna bisa nelasan manusa.<ref name="Biology">{{cite book |title=The Biology of Scorpions |author=Gary A. Polis |year=1990 |publisher=[[Stanford University Press]] |isbn=978-0-8047-1249-1 |url=http://books.google.com/?id=6OqeAAAAIAAJ}}</ref>{{rp|1}}.