Basa Jérman: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-67:
Official revisions of some of these rules were not issued until [[1998]].
Basa Jérman mangrupakeun anggota cabang Kulon kulawarga basa Jérman, nu mangrupa bagian ti [[kulawarga basa Indo-Éropa]].
German is a member of the West branch of the [[Germanic languages|Germanic]] family of languages, which in turn is part of the [[Indo-European language family]].
===OfficialStatus statusresmi===
GermanBasa isJérman themangrupa onlyhiji-hijina officialbasa languageresmi indi [[GermanyJérman]], [[Liechtenstein]], andjeung [[Austria]]; it sharessalasahiji officialbasa statusresmi indi [[BelgiumBélgia]] (withjeung [[Frenchbasa (language)|FrenchPrancis]] andjeung [[Dutchbasa (language)|DutchWalanda]]), [[ItalyItali]] (withjeung [[Italianbasa (language)|ItalianItali]], Frenchbasa andPrancis, [[Slovenianbasa (language)|SlovenianSlovénia]]), [[SwitzerlandSwis]] (withjeung Frenchbasa Prancis, ItalianItali, andjeung [[Romansh]]), [[Luxembourg]] (withjeung Frenchbasa andPrancis & [[Luxembourgishbasa language|LuxembourgishLuxembourg]]), andjeung [[Denmark]] (withjeung [[Danishbasa language|DanishDenmark]])., Itogé issalasahiji one of theti 20 official languages ofbasa theresmi [[EuropeanUni UnionÉropa]].
ItBasa isJérman alsoogé amangrupakeun minoritybasa languageminoritas indi [[FrancePrancis]], [[RussiaRusia]], [[Kazakhstan]], [[Tajikistan]], [[PolandPolandia]], [[RomaniaRumania]], [[Togo]], [[CameroonKamérun]], the [[UnitedAmérika States|USASerikat]], [[Namibia]], [[Brazil]], [[Paraguay]], [[HungaryHungaria]], [[CzechRépublik RepublicCéko]], [[Slovakia]], [[the NetherlandsWalanda]], [[SloveniaSlovénia]], [[UkraineUkraina]], [[CroatiaKroasia]], [[Moldavia]], [[Australia]], [[Latvia]], [[EstoniaÉstonia]], andjeung [[LithuaniaLituania]].
Basa Jérman kungsi jadi basantara (''lingua franca'') Éropa tengah, wétan, jeung kalér. Pangaruh [[basa Inggris]] nu beuki kuat geus mangaruhan basa Jérman kiwari. Ngan, basa Jérman masih tetep jadi salasahiji basa deunegun pangpopularna nu diajarkeun di sakuliah dunya, jeung leuwih ti basa Prancis di wewengkon Éropa. Kira 38% pangeusi Éropa nyebutkeun bisa ngomong basa Jérman.
German was once the lingua franca of central, eastern and northern Europe. Increasing influence from the [[English language]] has affected German recently. However, German remains one of the most popular foreign languages taught worldwide, and is more popular than French as a foreign language in Europe. 38% of all European citizens say they can converse in German.
===DialectsBasa wewengkon===
The termIstilah "Germanbasa Jérman" is used for several dialects of Germany and surrounding countries [[German speaking areas of America|and in North America]].
The dialects of Germany are typically divided into [[Low German]] and [[High German]].
Baris ka-87:
The modern dialects of German proper are divided into [[Middle German language|Middle German]] and [[Upper German language|Upper German]]; Standard German is based on Middle German, while [[Austrian language|Austrian]] and [[Swiss German]] dialects are Upper German.
A moderately complete listing of these dialects may be found at [[High German]].
no content yet on Derived languages
[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]Derived languages[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]
Creoles and other languages that are derived from this language.
no content yet on German sounds
Description of the sound set of the language. Can include phoneme charts and example words for each phoneme like in [[French language]]. If there is significant discussion here, it is probably best to divide the section into vowels and consonants subsections.
[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]Vowels[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]
Vowel chart and discussion of vowels.
[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]Consonants[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]
Consonant chart and discussion of consonants.
[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]Phonology[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]
Discussion of some major phonological processes, such as important [[allophone]]s or assimiliation rules.
[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]Historical sound changes[[User:Sj|+sj]][[User Talk:Sj|+]]
Description of important sound changes in the history of the language. (Maybe this should go under history?)