Basa Jérman: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-117:
==ExternalTumbu linkskaluar==
* [ Laporan reportngeunaan forbasa GermanJérman]
* [ FreeSumberdaya onlinebébas resourcespikeun fornu learnersdiajar]
* [ Verein Deutsche Sprache] (inbasa GermanJérman)
* A beginning [ GermanBuku Languagetéks TextbookBasa Jérman] undernu keur developmentdiwangun atdi [ Wikibooks]
* [ Sprachatlas des Deutschen Reichs] ProjectProyék publishing the 19th centurymedalkeun ''Linguistic Atlas of the German Empire'' abad ka-19
===Tarjamah kecap jeung frase===
* [ Kamus Basa Inggris-Jérman séjénna]