Asam klorida: Béda antarrépisi

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Nyieun kaca anyar {{about|leyuran dina paleyur cai|gas|hidrogén klorida}} {{short description|asam mineral kuat}} {{Chembox | Verifiedfields = changed | Watchedfields = changed | verifiedrevid...
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Baris ka-21:
| OtherNames = {{Unbulleted list|Asam muriatat<ref name="muriatic_acid" />|Rohna uyah<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=spirits of salt |accessdate=29 Méi 2012}}</ref><br>Hidronium klorida<br>Asam klorhidrat
| IUPACName = Klorana<ref>{{cite- book|title=Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry: IUPAC Recommendations and Preferred Names 2013|editor=Henri A. Favre|editor2=Warren H. Powell|date=2014|publisher=[[Royal Society of Chemistry]]|place=Cambridge|page=131}}</ref>
| SystematicName =
| Section1 = {{Chembox Identifiers