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Tag: Pengembalian
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Baris ka-1:
{{Tarjamahkeun|Inggris}}'''Farmasi''' sacara historis nyaéta [[pagawéan]] méré [[ubar]]. ka dieunakeun, istilah ieu jadi ngawengku fungsi séjén nu patali jeung [[mulasara pasén]] (fungsi klinis), nu kiwari sapalih ti antarana aya dina hukum féderal atawa nagara. Pagawean bidang farmasi diantawisna pangawasan resép ubar, dina éfék negatif ubar (''adverse drug reaction'') sareng terapi anu ningkatkeun kesehatan pasén ogé mastikeun yen pangubaran anu dilakonan masihan hasil positif.
These include monitoring [[medical prescription]]s for appropriateness, for adverse drug [[interaction]]s and following the course of [[therapy]] to insure positive outcomes.
Pharmacy is thus distinct from [[pharmacology]], an academic [[discipline]] which includes the study of [[mechanism]]s of [[drug action]]. In most jurisdictions, [[pharmacist]]s are regulated separately from [[physician]]s hence the separate [[profession]].
Baris 20 ⟶ 21:
== See also ==
<li>[[List of pharmacies]]<br />[http://www.pharmacist.com Pharmacist.com] Very useful site for pharmacists and pharmacy students.<br />[http://www.nabp.net National association of Boards of Pharmacy] Home of the National association of Boards of Pharmacy
<li>[[List of pharmacies]]<br />
<li>[http://www.pharmacist.com Pharmacist.com] Very useful site for pharmacists and pharmacy students.<br />
<li>[http://www.nabp.net National association of Boards of Pharmacy] Home of the National association of Boards of Pharmacy