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[[Gambar:Coconut plantation La Digue.jpg|thumb|200px|Kebon kelapa di [[Seychelles]].]]
'''Kebon'''; talun nyaéta sawidang [[lahan]], biasana mah di tempat nembrak, nu diperlakukeun husus ku [[manusa]], hususna keur tempat tuwuhna [[pepelakan]].<ref name=“Rigg”>{{Cite book | title =A Dictionary of the Sunda Language of Java| first = Jonathan| last =Rigg| publisher =Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen| location =Universitas Harvard| year =1862}}</ref><ref name="Shin">{{Cite book|ISBN last =Nakano| first = Shin| coauthors =Tetsukazu Yahara, Tohru Nakashizuka| year = 2012| title =The Biodiversity Observation Network in the Asia-Pacific Region: Toward Further Development of Monitoring|page=100|location=Tokyo| publisher =Springer| isbn =9784431540311| Url=https://books.google.co.id/books?id=iI7BbU9kjvQC&pg=PA100&dq=tatangkalan&hl=id&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjT4sqFn7LoAhWCUn0KHRrpA9UQ6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=tatangkalan&f=false}}</ref>
Harti kebon sipatna umum ku sabab lahan nu dipelakan tutuwuhan sacara liar ogé bisa disebut kebon, asal aya di wewengkon sabudeureun [[imah|padumukan]].<ref name="Practical">{{cite book|title=Practical Orchard Plans and Methods: How to Begin and Carry on the Work |author= Luther Burbank|publisher=The Minerva Group|isbn=1-4147-0141-1}}</ref> Dina kaayaan nu kawas kieu, kebon bisa dibédakeun jeung [[leuweung]] ditempo tina jinis katut kapadetan tutuwuhananan.<ref name="konnert15"/> Dina istilah sapopoé mah, kebon téh mindeng dipaké keur nyebutkeun [[pakebonan]] (kayaning "kebon kareé" atawa "kebon kalapa") utamana lamun ukuranana teu pati lega tur henteu diusahakeun sacara inténsif keur kapentingan komérsil.<ref name="web">{{cite web|url=http://www.applefest.org.uk|title=The Teme Valley Times supports the Tenbury Applefest|work=applefest.org.uk}}</ref> Kecap kebon bisa ogé dipeké keur [[pakarangan]] katut [[taman]]. Sakabéh atawa sabagéan kebon bisa dikokolakeun jadi taman.<ref name="konnert15"/>