Citakan:Infobox drug/legal status: Béda antarrépisi

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Muthi'ah Zahra (obrolan | kontribusi)
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Muthi'ah Zahra (obrolan | kontribusi)
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Baris ka-101:
| verschreibungspflichtig | rezeptpflichtig | anlage1 | anlage2 | amvv | §1mpav | §1 | 48 | §48amg | §48 | rx-only | rxonly | rx | ℞ | ℞-only | ℞only
= § 48 [[List of German drug laws#AMG|AMG]]/§ 1 [[List of German drug laws#MPAV|MPAV]] (PrescriptionHusus onlynu miboga resép)
| rx-only/anlageiii
Baris ka-148:
| gsl | general sales list = [[General sales list]] (GSL, OTC)
| p | pharmacy | pharmacy medicines = P ([[Pharmacy medicines]])
| pom | prescription-only | prescription only | prescription only medicine | prescription only medicines = [[Prescription drug|POM]] (PrescriptionHusus onlynu miboga resép)
| cd = [[Controlled Drug in United Kingdom|Controlled Drug]]
| cd lic = [[Controlled Drug in United Kingdom|Controlled Drug]] Lic