Google Chrome: Béda antarrépisi

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[[File:Google Chrome icon (September 2014).svg|right|80px|Logo Google Chrome]]
file:google chrome iconseptemberxlogogoogle chromegoogle chromenyaéta [[]] [[]]ite newstitlegooglegoing itsrendering engineurl=http:arstechnicainformationtechnologygooglegoingitsownwayforkingwebkitrenderingenginepublisherars Technica<refurl=http:www.thenextwebgoogle20130408itsheregooglereplaceswebkitwithblinkinlatestbuildchrometitle=It’s here:google replaces WebKit version ID with Blink in latest Chrome build - The Next Web<ref><ref name=brucelawson-hello-blink>cite btitle=hello Blinkurl=http:wwwbrucelawsoncouk/hello-blinkpublisher=bruce Lawsonlogaccessdat<ref>rilis munggaran minangka [[]] pikeun []] nyaéta dina tanggal [[]] [[]] sedengkeun rilis stabil umumna mah dina [[]] <ref namebucetahello
'''Google Chrome''' nyaéta [[palanglang wéb]] [[sumber nembrak]] anu dimekarkeun ku [[Google]].<ref>{{cite news|title=Google going its own way, forking WebKit rendering engine|url=|publisher=Ars Technica}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=It’s here: Google replaces WebKit version ID with Blink in latest Chrome build - The Next Web}}</ref><ref name=brucelawson-hello-blink>{{cite web|title=Hello Blink|url=|publisher=Bruce Lawson's Blog|accessdate=1/23/2016}}</ref> Rilis munggaran minangka [[vérsi béta]] pikeun [[Microsoft Windows]] nyaéta dina tanggal [[2 Séptémber]] [[2008]], sedengkeun rilis stabil umumna mah dina [[11 Désémber]] 2008.<ref name=brucelawson-hello-blink/>
Dina [[]] [[]] [[]] merkirakeun yén google chrome mibanda 0% pamakéan palanglang wéb di}}</ref> Chrome ogé jadi palanglang wéb anu kakoncara pikeun telepon pinter, sarta mun ditotalkeun sakabéh ''platform'' mah aya elcometochromiumpublishechromiumorg<ref> Hiji hal anu perlu dicatet yén anu teu kaasup kana sumber >
Dina [[Désémber]] [[2015]], [[StatCounter]] merkirakeun yén Google Chrome mibanda 58% pamakéan palanglang wéb di sakuliah dunya sarta minangka palanglang désktop pilihan.<ref name="statcounter201209">{{cite web|url=|title=Top 5 Browsers from December 2015 – StatCounter Global Stats|publisher=StatCounter}}</ref> Chrome ogé jadi palanglang wéb anu kakoncara pikeun telepon pinter, sarta mun ditotalkeun sakabéh ''platform'' mah aya kira-kira 45% na.<ref name="statcounter201209"/> Google ngarilis mayoritas tina kode sumber Chrome minangka hiji proyék [[sumber nembrak]] [[Chromium (palanglang web)|Chromium]].<ref name="pepper">{{cite web | url= | title=Google unveils Chrome source code and Linux port | publisher=Ars Technica | date=2 September 2008 | accessdate=1/23/2016 | last=Paul | first=Ryan}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Welcome to Chromium|url=|publisher=''''}}</ref> Hiji hal anu perlu dicatet yén anu teu kaasup kana sumber nembrak téh nyaéta ''built in'' [[Adobe Flash Player]] anu disebut ''Pepper Flash Player''.<ref name="pepper"/>