Null hypothesis: Béda antarrépisi

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m =hipotesis kosong
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Dina [[statistik]], '''hipotesis kosong''' (Ing: ''null hypotesis'') nyaeta hipotesis nu mibanda anggapan awal bener lamun kajadian statistik dina bentuk tes hipotesis nunjukkeun sabalikna. ItHipotesis iskosong anyaeta hypothesishiji thathipotesis youyen areurang interestedmikaresep inkana showinghiji tohal benu false!nembongkeun Oftenhal iteta isteh apalsu statementatawa aboutsalah! Salawasna ieu katangtuan teh ngeunaan ahiji [[parameter]] thatnu isngagambarkeun asifat propertytina ofhiji a populationpopulasi, thenumana wholesakabeh populationpopulasi beingieu unobservableteu katalungtik, andsarta thetes testdumasar beingkana basedsampel onacak atina randompopulasi sample from the populationieu. Nu Suchdimaksud asababaraha parameter isieu, oftenilaharna anu meandipake ornyaeta mean ajeung standardsimpangan deviationbaku.
Not unusually, such a hypothesis states that the [[parameter]]s, or mathematical characteristics, of two or more [[populasi statistik|populasi]] are identical. For example, if we want to compare the test scores of two random [[statistical sample|sample]]s of men and women, the null hypothesis would be that the mean score in the male population from which the first sample was drawn was the same as the mean score in the female population from which the second sample was drawn: