Advanced Technology Attachment: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-6:
Standar Parallel ATA ukur ngidinan panjang kabel henteu leuwih ti 46 séntiméter (18 inci) sanajan kabel nepi ka 91 cm (36 inci) bisa dibeuli ogé. Ku sabab ayana watesan panjang ieu, téhnologi ieu normalna katempo minangka ''interface'' panyimpen komputer internal. ATA nyadiakeun interface nu pangumuna jeung harga nu teu pati mahal pikeun aplikasi ieu.
== Sajarah ==
[[Image:ATA on mainboard.jpg|right|thumb|Image:ATA on mainboard.jpg|Konéksi sokét ATA dina motherboard PC nu diteundeun di handapeun sokét RAM]]
== Sajarah ==
Ngaran standar ieu aslina ''[[PC/AT]] Attachment'' alatan fitur utamana keur dihubungkeun langsung kana [[beus ISA]] 16-bit nu satuluyna katelah 'beus AT'; ngaran ieu dipondokkeun jadi "AT Attachment" keur nyegah kamungkinan isu merek dagang.
Baris 23 ⟶ 22:
All these size limitations come about because some part of the system is unable to deal with block addresses above some limit. This problem may manifest itself by the system thinking the size of a drive is only the limit value, or by the system refusing to boot and hanging on the BIOS screen at the point when drives are initialized. In some cases, a BIOS upgrade for the motherboard will resolve the problem. This problem is also found in older external [[FireWire]] disk enclosures, which limit the usable size of a disk to 128&nbsp;GB. By early 2005 most enclosures available have practically no limit. (Earlier versions of the popular Oxford 911 FireWire chipset had this problem. Later Oxford 911 versions and all Oxford 922 chips resolve the problem.)
==Parallel ATA interface==
[[Image:nappe.svg|right|Kabel pita nua aya dua konektoran]]