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'''Suung''' téh hartina [[awak buahan]] (''fruiting body'') (struktur nu ngahasilkeun [[spora]]) luhur taneuh golongan [[fungus]], nu cirina boga watang jeung 'payung'. Mun ambahanana dilegaan, suung ogé nujul ka sakabéh fungus nu ngahasilkeun awak buahan nu sarupa kitu, nu diwangun ku jaringan (disebut '''[[mycelium]]''') filamén atawa '''''[[hypha]]e'''''. <!--In a much broader sense, ''mushroom'' is applied to any visible fungus, or especially the fruiting body of any fungus, with the mycelium usually being hidden under bark, ground, rotten wood, leaves, etc. Mushrooms obtain food through decomposition. The technical term for the spore-producing structure of "true" mushrooms is the '''''basidiocarp'''''. The term "'''toadstool'''" is used typically to designate a basidiocarp that is poisonous to eat.