Beungkeut kimia: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-11:
Sadaya beungkeutan kimiawi mucunghulna tina interaksi antar[[éléktron]] ti atom-atom nu béda nu sacara énergétik dipikaresep (nyaéta hémat [[énergi]]). The types of bonding are distinguished by the extent to which electron density is localized or delocalized among the atoms of the substance.
InDina thekasus casebeungkeutan of ionic bondingionik, electronséléktron-éléktron areutamana mainlyngahiji associatedjeung withsalasahiji individual atomsatomna, and an overall electric charge is assigned to discretesahingga constituentmuatan atomslistrikna throughoutnetep thesacara substancediskrét. The nature of the interatomic (or in fact interionic) forces is largely characterized by [[isotropic]] continuum electrostatic potentials.
Sabalikna dina beungkeutan kovalén, sebaran dénsiti éléktron dina beungkeut teu netep di salasahiji atom, tapi didélokalisasi sapanjang molekul dina struktur nu digambarkeun ku tiori kontémporér umum salaku [[orbita molekul]]. Teu siga beungkeut ionik murni, hal ieu ngakibatkeun sipat [[anisotropik]]. Kaayaan panengah (''intermediate'') tangtu aya, nalika beungkeutna nunjukkeun campuran antara ciri ionik polar jeung ciri délokalisasi éléktron kovalén.
By contrast, in covalent bonding the electron density distributions within bonds are not assigned to individual atoms, but are instead delocalized across the molecule in structures which are described by the most common contemporary theory as [[molecular orbital]]s. Unlike pure ionic bonds, these may have directed [[anisotropic]] properties. Intermediate situations certainly exist, in which bonds show a mixture between polarized ionic character and electron-delocalized covalent character.
Beungkeut ionik sacara umum bisa digambarkeun ku [[fisika klasik]], sedengkeun pajeulitna beungkeut kovalén ngandelkeun pisan kana konsép-konsép [[mékanika kuantum]].
Ionic bonding can largely be described by [[classical physics]], but the complexity of covalent bonding relies more heavily on concepts from [[quantum mechanics]].
Sagigireun beungkeut intramolekul nu ngaheuyeuk hiji molekul sangkan ngahiji, [[gaya antarmolekul]] ogé meta dina interaksi antarmolekul hiji zat.
Aside from the intramolecular bonds which hold molecules together, [[intermolecular force]]s also act to provide an attraction between the molecules of a substance.
:''Tempo ogé:'' [[orbital atom]], [[beungkeut ganda]], [[tabel periodik]]