Guratmangsa sajarah Islam abad ka-12: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-17:
* 1144: [[Zengi]] ngarebut [[Dikepungna Edessa|Edessa]] ti urang Kristen, [[perang salib kadua]].
* 1146: Pupusna [[Zengi]], digentos ku [[Nur ad-Din]].
* 1147: In theDi [[Maghrib]] [[Al Moravids]] overthrowndilengserkeun by theku [[Almohad]] underdina pamarentahan [[Abd al-Mu'min]].
* 1148: Pungkasannana pamarentahan [[Ziriyah]] di [[Afrika Kalér]]. [[Dikepungna Damaskus]] bisa dipeupeuh mundur, nu scara efektif hasil meunangkeun [[Perang Salib Kadua]].
* 1149: DeathPupusna of thekhalifah [[FatimidFatimiyah]] Caliph [[al-Hafiz]], accessiondigentos ofku [[Az-Zafir]].
* 1147: In the [[Maghrib]] [[Al Moravids]] overthrown by the [[Almohad]] under [[Abd al-Mu'min]].
* 1148: End of the [[Zirid]] rule' in [[North Africa]]. [[Siege of Damascus]] repulsed, thus effectively winning the [[Second Crusade]].
* 1149: Death of the [[Fatimid]] Caliph [[al-Hafiz]], accession of [[Az-Zafir]].
* 1152: Death of the Seljuk Sultan [[Mas'ud of Great Seljuk]], accession of [[Malik Shah III]]. Hamadid rule extinguished in North Africa.
* 1153: Death of the Seljuk Sultan [[Malik Shah III]], accession of [[Mehmed II of Great Seljuk]].
Baris ka-42:
* 1191: [[First Battle of Tarain]] between the [[Rajput]]s and the [[Ghurids]].
* 1192: [[Second Battle of Tarain]].
* 1193: Death ofPupusna [[Saladin]]; accessiondigentos ofku [[Al-Aziz Uthman]].
* 1194: Occupation of [[Delhi]] by the Muslims. End of the Seljuk rule.
* 1199: Death of the Khawarzam Shah Tukush Shah; accession of Ala ud Din. Death of the [[Almohad]] ruler [[Yaqub, Almohad Caliph]]; accession of [[Muhammad an-Nasir]]. Conquest of [[Northern India]] and [[Bengal]] by the [[Ghurids]].