Golongan tabél periodik: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-7:
==Nomer golongan==
Aya tilu cara pikeun nganomeran golongan tabel periodik, nu hiji maké [[angka Arab]], sedengkeun dua nu séjénna migunakeun [[angka Romawi]]. Ngaran angka Romawi ngarupakeun ngaran tradisional asli golongan; angka Arab mangrupa ngaran nu dirujuk ku ''[[International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry]]'' (IUPAC) pikeun ngaganti ngaran heubeul nu sok pajeulit.
There is considerable confusion surrounding the two old systems in use (old IUPAC and CAS) that combined the use of Roman numerals with letters. In the old IUPAC system the letters A and B were designated to the left (A) and right (B) part of the table, while in the CAS system the letters A and B were designated to main group elements (A) and transition elements (B). The former system was frequently used in Europe while the latter was most common in America. The new IUPAC scheme was developed to replace both systems as they confusingly used the same names to mean different things.
Golongan tabel periodik nyaéta saperti di handap ieu (nu na jero kurung nunjukkeun sistim heubeul: Éropa jeung Amérika):