Gunung Agung: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-13:
'''Gunung Agung''' nyaeta salasahiji gunung di [[Bali]], [[Indonésia]]. Dina 3,142 m saluhureun laut, [[stratovolcano]] ieu mangrupakeun gunung pangluhurna di Pulo Bali. Gunung ieu aya di [[Kacamatan]] [[Rendang, Karangasem|Rendang]], [[Kabupatén]] [[Kabupatén Karangasem|Karangasem]], [[Propinsi]] Bali.
Gunung Agung is still active, with a large and very deep crater which occasionally belches smoke and ash. From a distance, the mountain appears to be perfectly conical, despite the existence of the large crater.
Gunung Agung aktip keneh, kalayan kawah nu lega jeung jero nu kadang-kadang ngaluarkeun [[haseup]][ jeung [[lebu]]. Ti kajauhan, gunung ieu katingali nyongcot sampurna, sok sanajan aya kawah nu lega oge.
From the peak of the mountain, it is possible to see the peak of [[Gunung Rinjani]] on the island of Lombok, although both mountains are frequently covered in cloud. The best time to climb the mountain is at dawn when the air is still clear, giving spectacular views.
Ti punclut gunung, urang bisa nempo punclut [[Gunung Rinjani]] di pulo [[Lombok]], sanajan duanana sering kasimbutan ku halimun oge. Wanci nu pangalusna keur naek ka gunung ieu nyaeta nalika fajar mangsa udarana beresih keneh, loba tetempoan nu bisa katingali kalayan hade.
==Naék gunung==
ThereAya aretilu threejalan majorutama approachesnu todeukeut thetur mountain.ilahar Fromdipake thekeur south,naek south-eastka gunung ieu. Ti kidul, andwetan kidul, fromjeung theti westkulon. The western approach is the most commonly taken path, as it leads from the Temple of Besakih. It also has spectacular views along the length of the trail. It is important that hikers take their own water with them as the only source of water on the trail is a well that is considered holy and therefore forbidden. Much of the climb is loose soil and rock, so climbers are encouraged to use adequate footwear.
==Bitu taun 1963-64==
Baris ka-29:
== Tempo oge ==
* [[Daptar gunung berapiseuneuan di Indonésia]]
== Tumbu luar ==