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Baris ka-1:
'''Polimér''' nyaéta istilah generik nu dipaké pikeun ngadadarkeun [[molekul]] panjang. Molekul panjang ieu diwangun ku [[unit struktural]] jeung [[unit ulangan]] nu kasambung ku [[beungkeut kimia]]. Prosés ngarobah unit-unit ieu jadi polimér disebut [[polimérisasi]], sedengkeun unit-unitna disebut [[monomér]], nu biasana molekul leutik nu mibanda beurat molekul handap.
TheMonomérna monomersbisa canbaé besarua, identicalatawa, ormun theyteu cansarua, haveaya onegugus orkimia morenu substitutedbéda. chemicalBéda antarmonomér ieu bisa mangaruhan pasipatanana, kayaning kaleyuran, a groups. These differences between monomers can affect properties such as solubility, flexibility, or strength. In proteins, these differences can give the polymer the ability to preferentially adopt one conformation over another, as opposed to adopting a [[random coil]] (see [[self-assembly]]). Although most polymers are organic (based on carbon chains), there are also [[inorganic chemistry|inorganic]] polymers, mainly based on a silicon backbone.
The term polymer covers a large, diverse group of molecules, including substances from [[protein]]s to high-strength [[kevlar]] fibres. A key feature that distinguishes polymers from other large molecules is the repetition of units of atoms (monomers) in their chains. This occurs during [[polymerization]], in which many monomer molecules link to each other. For example, the formation of [[polyethene]] (also called [[polyethylene]]) involves thousands of ethene molecules bonding together to form a chain of repeating -CH<sub>2</sub>- units: