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Baris ka-44:
*hémiasetal + alkohol + [[katalis asam]] —→ [[asetal]] + cai
:Hémiasetal basajan biasana teu stabil, najan nu siklik kayaning [[glukosa]] mah aya. Asetal mah stabil, tapi mun lingkunganana asam bakal balik deui jadi aldehida.
:Simple hemiacetals are usually unstable, although cyclic ones such as [[glucose]] do exist. Acetals are stable, but these revert to the aldehyde in the presence of aqueous acid.
* TreatingNyampurkeun aldehydesaldehida withjeung oxidizingagén agentspangoksidasi such askayaning [[potassiumkalium permanganatepermanganat]], [[nitricasam acidnitrat]], oratawa [[chromiumkromium (VI) oxideoksida]], will yieldbakal angahasilkeun [[carboxylicasam acidkarboksilat]].
* TreatingNyampurkeun aldehydesaldehida withjeung réagen Tollens' reagent (which is prepared bynu addingdijieun aku dropcara ofngeclakkeun [[sodiumnatrium hydroxidehidroksida]] solutionkana intoleyuran [[silverpérak nitratenitrat]] solutionnu tongahasilkeun giveendapan apérak precipitate of silver(I) oxideoksida, andlajeng thennambahkeun adding just enough diluteleyuran [[ammoniaamonia]] solutionsacukupna topikeun redissolvengaleyurkeun thedeui precipitateendapanana innepi aqueouska ammoniangahasilkeun to producekompléks [Ag(NH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>+</sup> complex) willbakal convertmalikkeun aldehydesaldehida tojadi carboxylicasam acidskarboksilat withouttanpa attackingnyerang carbon-carbonbeungkeut doubleganda bondskarbon-karbon. SeeTempo alsoogé [http://www.wiu.edu/users/mftkv/Chemistry102/oxidationaldehydes.html oksidasi oxidation of aldehydealdehida]
* AldehydesAldehida canbisa reactmeta withjeung watercai (underdina acidickaayaan orasam basicatawa conditionsbasa) to formngahasilkeun [[hydrate|hydrateshidrat]], R-C(H)(OH)(OH), although these are only stable when strong electron withdrawing groups are present as in [[chloral hydrate]]. TheMékanismena mechanismsarua isjeung identical toformasi [[hemiacetalhémiasetal]] formation.
* AldehydesAldehida canbisa reactmeta withjeung [[HydrogenHidrogén cyanidesianida|HCN]] to formngahasilkeun [[cyanohydrinsianohidrin]]s, R-C(H)(OH)(CN).
* TreatingNyampurkeun analdehida aldehyde with ajeung [[réagen Grignard reagent]] canbisa yieldngahasilkeun analkohol alcoholkalawan withgugus anu substituteddiganti groupti from theréagen Grignard reagent.
* TreatingNyampurkeun aldehydesaldehida withjeung [[hydrazinehidrazin]] willbakal reducengaréduksi abeungkeut C=O bond tojadi CH<sub>2</sub> ''via the'' [[réaksi Wolff-Kishner reaction]].
===[[Adisi nukléofilik]]===