Oda Nobunaga: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-11:
===UnificationNgahijikeun ofPropinsi Owari Province===
InDina [[1551]], teu disangka-sangka Oda Nobuhide died unexpectedlypupus, andjeung duringdina hiswaktu funeral"berkabung", Nobunaga wasnyebutkeun saidhal toieu havekacida acted outrageouslymahalna, throwingngalungkuen themenyan ceremonialdi incensealtar. atParipolah theieu altar.saterusna Thisdijauhan actku furtherpara alienated manypalayan Oda retainers, convincingngayakinkeun them ofmaranehna Nobunaga's supposed mediocrity and lackteu ofpati disciplinedisiplin, andtur theylalaunan beganngobrolkeun tosarta sideleuwih withresep his more soft-spoken and well-manneredka brotherdulurna, Nobuyuki.
Ashamed for Nobunaga's behavior, Hirate Masahide committed ''[[seppuku]]''. This came as a huge blow to Nobunaga, who lost a mentor and a valuable retainer. He later built a temple to honor Hirate.