Hello there?! Apparently, you are the same person with ‎ . He recently edited many things related to Azerbaijan. If you are, sorry for the vandal tag. Several pages you edited and created wasn't necessary in this wikipedia. I backed them up, but you kept editing them. Here, we already have enough templates regarding Azerbaijan such as {{Urang Azerbaijan}}, {{Pulitik Azerbaijan}} and {{Ngeunaan Azerbaijan}}, so your {{Républik Azerbaijan}} I think, is not quite necessary. And also, your edit in Citakan:Azerbaijan has caused many articles used the wrong template since that page was originally a redirect page. Can you just sign up and make an account? I encourage you to keep your contribution in Wikipedia but, not like what you have done in here. :) There is also the Azerbaijani Wikipedia where perhaps you can easily contribute more on. Thank you. Regards. Seyoru | ᮍᮛᮧᮘᮢᮧᮜ᮪ 5 Agustus 2013 07.18 (UTC)Balas

Ieu mangrupa kaca sawala pikeun pamaké anonim anu can nyieun akun, atawa anu henteu maké. Ku kituna kapaksa make alamat IP pikeun nyirikeun anjeunna. Alamat IP ieu bisa dipaké ku sababaraha jalma. Lamun anjeun salasahiji pamaké anonim sarta ngarasa aya koméntar nu teu pakait geus ditujukeun ka anjeun, mangga nyieun akun atawa asup log sangkan teu pacorok jeung pamaké anonim lianna.