Detéktor haseup
Detéktor haseup atawa alarm haseup nyaéta alat nu bisa mikawanoh/ngadetéksi haseup sarta sacara otomatis ngahurungkeun alarm salaku totondén ayana bahya kahuruan. Detéktor haseup nu dipasang di imah biasana boga bentuk kawas kéler tina plastik nu diaméterna kira 15 cm sarta kandelna 2,5 cm. ku sabab haseup mah ngelun ka luhur, ieu alat galibna dipasang dina lalangit atawa dina pinding deukeut lalangit di patengahan imah atawa kamar anu jauh ti dapur. Detéktor haseup biasana ditanagaan ku batré, tapi aya ogé anu disambungkeun ka sumber listrik AC. Nu dicolokkeun langsung kana sumber AC biasana dibatréan ogé, salaku cadangan bisi listrikna pareum.
édit- Risk Analysis of Residential Fire Detector Performance. J. Applied Fire Sci. Jun. 2007 Vol. 6 (2).
- National Fire Protection Code, Article 72
- Domestic Alarm FAQ Archived 2008-08-29 di Wayback Machine
Tumbu kaluar
éditWikimedia Commons mibanda média séjénna nu patali jeung Smoke detector. |
- Smoke detectors and americium Archived 2002-09-11 di Library of Congress Web Archives
- How stuff works — ionization-type smoke detectors
- Common smoke detector problems Archived 2008-09-06 di Wayback Machine
- Hearing Loss Web discusses current low frequency alarms for hard of hearing.
- Alarm concern from the Hearing Loss Association of America Archived 2007-09-27 di Wayback Machine
- Comparison of smoke detector specifications
- Where there's Smoke there's not always fire — An Inside look at Smoke Detectors Archived 2010-12-24 di Wayback Machine
- Importance of smoke detection systems for early detection of tunnel fires
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