Mangga dangukeun Alunan Für Elise 

Pembukaan "Für Elise"
Edisi mimiti, 1867

Für Elise (ti basa Jérman nu hartina: "Kapada Élise") nyaéta ngaran kasohor pikeun Bagatelle in A minor, WoO 59, mangrupa musik piano solo karya Ludwig van Beethoven, ditulis kira-kira taun 1810.[1][2]Salah ngutip: Tag <ref> harus ditutup oleh </ref>

Therese Malfatti, nu dianggep "Für Elise"

Para panalungtik Beethoven teu apal saha sabenarna Elise nu dimaksud. Téori nu kasohor nyebutkeun yén awalna karya éta téh judulna Für Therese.[3] Therese nu dimaksud téh nyaéta Therese Malfatti von Rohrenbach zu Dezza (1792-1851), wanoja anu rék kawin jeung Beethoven di taun 1810. Tapi, manéhna kalahkah kawin jeung lalaki séjén, saacan Beethoven n nyatakeun rasa kacinta ka manéhna.[4] Manéhna téh anak ti hiji saudagar ti Wina, Jacob Malfatti von Rohrenbach (1769-1829).

Rujukan édit

  1. William Kinderman, The Cambridge Companion to Beethoven, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 125–126, ISBN 978-0-521-58934-5
  2. Dorothy de Val, The Cambridge Companion to the piano, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 131, ISBN 978-0-521-47986-8, "Beethoven is here [in the 1892 Repertory of select pianoforte works] only by virtue of 'Für Elise', but there is a better representation of later composers such as Schubert ..., Chopin ..., Schumann ... and some Liszt."
  3. Max Unger, diterjemahkan oleh Theodore Baker, "Beethoven and Therese von Malfatti," The Musical Quarterly 11, no. 1 (1925): 63–72.
  4. Michael Lorenz: "Baronin Droßdik und die verschneyten Nachtigallen. Biographische Anmerkungen zu einem Schubert-Dokument", Schubert durch die Brille 26, (Tutzing: Schneider, 2001), pp. 47–88.