Probabilitas: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
Kecap '''''probabilityprobabilitas''''' asalna tina basa [[Latin]] ''probare'' (ngabuktikeun, atawa nyoba).
[[Category:Probability theory]]
Kecap '''''probability''''' asalna tina basa [[Latin]] ''probare'' (ngabuktikeun, atawa nyoba).
Sacara teu resmi, ''probable'' ngarupakeun salah sahiji kecap anu digunakeun keur kajadian jeung kanyaho anu teu pasti, kecap sejenna atawa anu rada bisa ngagantina nyaeta ku ''likely'', ''risky'', ''hazardous'', ''uncertain'', and ''doubtful'', gumantung kana konteksna.
''Chance'', ''odds'', jeung ''bet'' ngarupakeun kecap sejen anu ngagambarkeun kaayaan anu sarua. Heunteu saperti dina [[classical mechanics|theory of mechanics]] nu nangtukeun harti pasti tina saperti dina watesan ''gawe'' jeung ''gaya'', dina [[tiori probabiliti]] nyobaan keur ngitung dina notasi ''probable''.
==Historical remarks==
Probability theory, as applied to observations, was largely a [[nineteenth century]] development. [[Gambling]] shows that there has been an interest in quantifying the ideas of probability for millennia, but exact mathematical descriptions of use in these types of problems only arose much later.
[[nineteenth century ]]development. [[Gambling]] shows that there has been an interest in quantifying the ideas of probability for millennia, but exact mathematical descriptions of use in these types of problems only arose much later.
The doctrine of probabilities dates as far back as [[Pierre de Fermat]] and [[Blaise Pascal]] (1654). [[Christiaan Huygens]] (1657) gave the first scientific treatment of the subject. [[Jakob Bernoulli]]'s ''Ars Conjectandi'' (posthumous, 1713) and [[Abraham de Moivre]]'s Doctrine of Chances (1718) treated the subject as a branch of mathematics.
Baris 94 ⟶ 91:
Probability distributions can also be specified via [[moment]]s or the [[characteristic function]], or in still other ways.
<!-- Most general defns of discrete, continuous?? -->
A distribution is called a '''discrete distribution''' if it is defined on a [[countable]], [[discrete]] set, such as a subset of the integers.
A distribution is called a '''continuous distribution''' if it has a continuous distribution function, such as a polynomial or exponential function.
Most distributions of practical importance are either discrete or continuous, but there are examples of distributions which are neither.
<!-- Such as?? (to be filled in) -->
Important discrete distributions include the discrete [[sebaran seragam]], [[sebaran Poisson]], [[sebaran binomial]], the [[negative binomial distribution]] and the [[Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution]].
Baris 171 ⟶ 166:
* [[Pierre-Simon Laplace]] "It is remarkable that a science which began with the consideration of games of chance should have become the most important object of human knowledge." ''Théorie Analytique des Probabilités'', 1812.
* [[Richard von Mises]] "The unlimited extension of the validity of the exact sciences was a characteristic feature of the exaggerated rationalism of the eighteenth century" (in reference to Laplace). ''Probability, Statistics, and Truth,'' p 9. Dover edition, 1981 (republication of second English edition, 1957).
[[Kategori:Téori probabilitas]]