Kareseban: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-10:
Dina awal siklus kareseban, wanoja nu geus sawawa sacara séksual ngaleupaskeun hiji [[ovum]] (atawa, kadang-kadang, dua, nu bisa ngahasilkeun [[kembar]] [[zigot|dizigotik]] atawa non-idéntik) nalika [[ovulasi]]. Sanggeus ovulasi, lapisan éndométrium [[rahim]] robah pikeun nyiapkeun kamungkinan [[implantasi]] ovum nu geus dibuahan pikeun ngamimitian [[reuneuh|kakandungan]]. Mun teu aya fértilisasi sarta teu reuneuh, rahim ngaleupaskeun lapisan éndométrium pikeun nyiapkeun siklus salajengna. Prosés ngaleupaskeun lapisan éndométrium ieu nu disebut '''kareseban''', kaluarna éndométrium jeung [[getih]] ngaliwatan [[heunceut]]. Najan sacara umum dianggap getih, kandunganana mah béda ti [[getih véna]].
Common usage refers to menstruation and menses as a '''period'''. This bleeding serves as a sign that a woman has not become [[pregnancy|pregnant]]. (However, this cannot be taken as certainty, as sometimes there is some bleeding in early pregnancy.) During the reproductive years, failure to menstruate may provide the first indication to a [[woman]] that she may have become pregnant. A woman might say that her "period is late" when an expected menstruation has not started and she might have become pregnant.
Kareseban mangrupakeun tanda yén hiji wanoja teu kakandungan (najan kitu, kadang aya ogé nu ngalamana kaluarna saeutik getih nalika awal kakandungan), ku kituna, telat kareseban dina masa subur mangrupakeun totondén awal kakandungan. Rata-rata wanoja mimiti ngalaman kareseban dina umur 12 taun, antara 8 jeung 16 taun{{ref|age}}. Siklus kareseban ieu lumangsung nepi ka mangsa [[ménopause]], kira nalika nincak umur 45-55. Simpangan tina pola ieu perlu dipariksakeun ka dokter; misalna ''[[amenorrhea]]'', tayana kareseban dina mangsa nu leuwih lila, tapi teu kakadungan. Gangguan sarupa kieu kadang kaalaman ku wanoja nu kandungan lemak awakna leutik, samodél atlit.
Menstruation forms a normal part of a natural cyclic process occurring in healthy women between [[puberty]] and the end of the reproductive years. The onset of menstruation, known as ''[[menarche]]'', occurs at an average age of 12, but can occur any time between the ages of 8 and 16.{{ref|age}} However, the condition [[precocious puberty]] has caused menstruation to occur in girls as young as 8 months old. The last period, [[menopause]], usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Deviations from this pattern deserve medical attention. [[Amenorrhea]] refers to a prolonged absence of menses during the reproductive years of a woman for reasons other than pregnancy. For example, women with very low [[body fat]], such as [[athlete]]s, may cease to menstruate. The presence of menstruation does not prove that ovulation took place; women who do not ovulate may have menstrual cycles. Those [[anovulatory cycle]]s tend to take place less regularly and show greater variation in cycle length. In addition, the absence of menstruation also does not prove that ovulation did not take place, because hormone disruptions in
non-pregnant women can suppress bleeding on occasion.-->
== Siklus kareseban normal ==