Kloroplas: Béda antarrépisi

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Kloroplas mangrupakeun salah sahiji bentuk [[plastid]], sarta sacara umum dianggap 'turunan' [[sianobaktéri]] [[téori éndosimbiotik|éndosimbiotik]]. <!--InDina thislebah respectdieu, theykloroplas aretéh similarsarimbag tojeung [[mitochondrion|mitochondriamitokondria]], buttapi arekloroplas foundmah onlyukur inaya [[plant]]sdi tutuwuhan andjeung [[protistprotista]]a. BothDua organellesorganél areieu surroundeddikubeng byku adua doublelapis celledpinding nu compositedipisahkeun membraneku withrohangan anantarmémbran intermembrane space; both have their ownboga [[DNA]] andsorangan arenu involvedaub indina energy[[métabolisme]] metabolism; and both have reticulationsénérgi, orsartaboga manyrétikulasi infoldings,(krista) fillingnu theirngeusi innerrohangan spacesjero.
In green plants chloroplasts are surrounded by two [[cell membrane|lipid-bilayer membrane]]s. The inner membrane is now thought to correspond to the outer membrane of the ancestral cyanobacterium. The chloroplast genome is considerably [[genome reduction|reduced]] compared to that of free-living cyanobacteria, but the parts that are still present show clear similarities. Many of the missing genes are encoded in the nuclear genome of the host.