Lokatmala: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-23:
=== Katuangan ===
Daun jeung kuncup kembang lokatmala sok dipaké ngabungbuan [[gajih]], [[daging]], jeung [[lauk]]. Di [[Jérman]], katelahna Beifuß, lokatmala sok dipaké ngabungbuan daging soang, utamana beuleum soang dina idangan [[natal]]an.
Mugwort is also used in Korea and Japan to give festive [[rice cakes]] a greenish color. After the cherry trees bloom in Korea, hordes of bonneted grandmothers collect wild mugwort. It is a common seasoning in Korean soups and pancakes. Known as a blood cleanser, it is believed to have different medicinal properties depending on the region it is collected. In some regions, mugwort thins the blood, while in another region, it is proposed to have hallucigenic properties, leading to some bonneted grandmothers passing out from direct skin contact (dermal absorption) with the active chemicals. For this reason, Koreans also wear a silk sleeve when picking mugwort plants.
Di [[Koréa]] jeung [[Jepang]], lokatmala dipaké pikeun ngahéjoan kuéh ketan/sangu dina rupa-rupa kariaan sarta ngabungbuan angeun. Gunana pikeun natambaan kasakit gumantung di mana tumuwuhna.
In the [[Middle Ages]] Mugwort was used as part of a herbal mixture called [[gruit]], used in the flavoring of [[beer]] before the widespread introduction of [[hop (plant)|hops]]. Once again, it is possible that drinkers of the beer were not only intoxicated from the beer, but also from the hallucinogenic properties of the plant.
In Korea, this herb is often used as a flavouring for soft ricecakes (called "sook-dok" or so-ok in current Korean common usage), soups, and other foods. Once cooked, the plant's hallucinogenic chemicals are neutralized.
Mugwort pollen is one of main sources of hay fever and allergic asthma, in North Europe, North America and in parts of Asia.<ref>[http://www.fasebj.org/cgi/content/full/17/1/106]</ref><ref>[http://www.weather.com/outlook/health/allergies/common/allergens/AK-allergen-192?from=allergy_allergenstate_more]</ref>. Mugwort pollen generally travels less than 100 meters<ref>[http://www.allergia.com/index.phtml?s=849]</ref>. The highest concentration of mugwort pollen is generally found between 9 and 11 am. The Finnish allergy association recommends tearing as method of eradicating mugwort<ref>[http://www.allergia.com/index.phtml?s=849]</ref>. Tearing mugwort is known to lessen the effect of the allergy, since the pollen flies only short distance<ref>[http://www.allergia.com/index.phtml?s=849</ref>].
Cooking is known to decrease the allergenicity of mugwort, but not enough to make the plant palatable.
=== Alérgén ===
Mugwort[[Serbuksari]] pollenkembang islokatmala onebisa ofngabalukarkeun main[[asma]] sourcesjeung of''[[rhinitis]]'' hayalérgik fever([[basa andInggris|Ing.]] allergic''hay asthmafever''), inutamana Northdi Europe[[Éropa Kalér]], North[[Amérika America and inKalér]], partsjeung ofsabagian [[Asia.]]<ref>[http://www.fasebj.org/cgi/content/full/17/1/106]</ref><ref>[http://www.weather.com/outlook/health/allergies/common/allergens/AK-allergen-192?from=allergy_allergenstate_more]</ref>. MugwortSerbuksari pollenlokatmala generallypaling travelsjauh lesshiber thannepi ka kira 100 metersm<ref>[http://www.allergia.com/index.phtml?s=849]</ref>., Thelolobana highesthiber concentration of mugwort pollen is generally found betweenjam 9 and -11 am-an. TheMasarakat Finnishdi allergyFinlandia associationbiasa recommendsnyegah tearingieu asalérgi methodku ofcara eradicatingngabaseuhan mugworttangkalna<ref>[http://www.allergia.com/index.phtml?s=849]</ref>. Tearing mugwort is known to lessen the effect of the allergy, since the pollensahingga fliessumebarna onlyteu shortpati distancejauh<ref>[http://www.allergia.com/index.phtml?s=849</ref>].
===Herbal Medicine===
[[Image:Detail of mugwort mature leaf.jpg|left|thumbnail|A mugwort leaf with the pointed leaves characteristic of a mature plant]]