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Baris ka-1:
[[ImageGambar:Prussian_bayonet.jpg|thumb|340px|[[Bayonét]], dipaké kénéh dina perang salaku péso jeung [[janggala]].]]
'''Pakarang''' nyaéta [[alat]] nu bisa dipaké nalika [[bitotama]] pikeun nelasan atawa numpurkeun, atawa ngancurkeun. Pakarang bisa dipaké pikeun nyerang musuh atawa méla diri tina ancaman. Pakarang mimiti dipaké ku manusa salaku alat pikeun moro.
Baris ka-6:
Pikeun béréndélan nu lengkep ngeunaan pakarang, tempo [[téhnologi jeung parabot militér]].
== Sajarah ==
Tapak manusa ti jaman pangawalna nepi ka kaadaban kiwari, kamekaran manusa téh salawasna dibarengan ku pakarang. Kamekaran pakarang sarua gancangna jeung kamekaran téhnologi. Dina mangsa kuna, pakarang téh mangrupakeun ciri kakuatan manusa, utamana mah sabab awak manusa teu boga pakarang alami samodél [[sihung]]. Pakarang ieu ngamungkinkeun nu nyepengna leuwih bahya batan manusa nu teu nyepeng pakarang.
Baris ka-19:
After World War II, with the onset of the [[Cold War]], the constant technological development of new weapons was institutionalized, as participants engaged in a constant race to develop weapons and counter-weapons. This constant state of weapons development continues into the modern era, and remains a constant draw on the resources of most nations.
=== Pakarang kuna ===
<!--The basic tasks a weapon must perform have not changed since ancient times. All weapons do one or more of the following:
#Concentrate [[pressure]]: the sharp end of a broken stone or pointed stick will apply more pressure, and do more harm, than the blunt end; similarly. A material's [[hardness]] determines its ability to apply or resist pressure.
Baris ka-44:
This continued in the period between the end of that war and [[technological escalation during World War II|the next]], with continuous improvements of all weapons by all major powers. Many modern military weapons, particularly ground-based ones, are relatively minor improvements on those of [[World War II]]. ''See [[military technology during World War II]] for a detailed discussion.''
=== Pakarang nuklir ===
<!--The greatest development in weaponry since World War II has been the combination and further development of two weapons first used in it - [[nuclear weapon]]s and the [[ballistic missile]], leading to its ultimate configuration the [[ICBM]]. The mutual possession of these by the [[United States]] and the [[Soviet Union]] ensured that either nation could inflict terrible damage on the other; so terrible, in fact, that neither nation was prepared to instigate direct, all-out war with the other. The indiscriminate nature of the destruction has made nuclear-tipped missiles essentially useless for the smaller wars fought since. However computer-guided weaponry of all kinds, from [[smart bomb]]s to computer-aimed tank rounds, has greatly increased weaponry's accuracy.
=== Perang émbaran ===
<!--In modern warfare, since all redoubts are traps, maneuver and coordination of forces is decisive, overshadowing particular weapons. The goal of every modern commander is therefore to "operate within the observation-decision-action cycle of the enemy." In this way, the modern commander can bring overwhelming force to bear on isolated groups of the enemy, and ''tactically'' overwhelm an enemy. ''See [[military technology of the late 20th century]].''
Baris ka-63:
== Rupa-rupa pakarang ==
<!--There are essentially three facets to classifying weapon types: who uses it, how it works, and what it targets.
Baris ka-107:
*[[Infantry support weapon]]s are designed to attack various threats to infantry units, supporting the infantry's operations.
== Pakarang dumasar mangsa ==
* [[Daptar pakarang kuna|Kuna]]
* [[Daptar pakarang jaman Panengah|Panengah]]
* [[Téhnologi militér perang Napoléon]]
* [[Téhnologi militér Perang Dunya I]]
* [[Téhnologi militér Perang Dunya II]]
* [[Téhnologi militér ahir abad ka-20]]
* [[Pakarang modérn]]
* [[Téhnologi jeung parabot militér|Sagala jaman]]
== Tempo ogé ==
<!--*[[Arms trade]]
*[[List of martial arts weapons]]
Baris ka-132:
[[CategoryKategori:Parabot militér]]
Baris ka-158: