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Baris ka-1:
[[ImageGambar:Kusuma bike large.jpg|thumb|300px|''[[Sapédah balap]]'' jaman kiwari dijieun tina solobong [[alumunium]] nu hampang jeung sadel/jok sarta garpuh [[plastik nu dikuatan ku grafit|serat karbon]]. Setangna tungkul sarta banna dirancang ipis sangkan éfisién jeung aérodinamis.]]
'''Sapédah''' téh tutumpakan manusa nu diboséh nu gilindingna aya dua, hiji di hareup jeung hiji di tukang. Sapédah mimiti dipikawanoh di [[Éropah]], dina [[abad ka-19]]. Kiwari aya kira samilyar sapédah, dipaké pikeun alat angkutan, olahraga, jeung pelesir/hiburan. Bentuk jeung konfigurasi dasar sapédah kiwari aya robahna ti bentuk munggaran nu dijieun kira taun 1885<ref name="herlihy">{{cite book
| title = Bicycle: the history
Baris ka-146:
Bicycles are used for recreation at all ages. [[Bicycle touring]] involves touring and exploration or sightseeing with the use of a bicycle for leisure. A [[brevet (cycling)|brevet]] or randonnée is an organized long-distance ride.
One major aspect of [[Netherlands|Dutch]] popular culture is enjoying relaxed cycling in the [[rural|countryside]] of the [[Netherlands]]. The land is very flat and full of special public bicycle trails where cyclist aren't bothered by [[automobile|cars]] and other traffic, which makes it ideal for cycling [[recreation]]. Many [[Dutch people]] subscribe every [[year]] to an event called ''[[fietsvierdaagse]]'' &#8212; four days of organised cycling through the local environment. [[Paris-Brest-Paris]] (PBP), which began in 1891, is the oldest bicycling event still run on a regular basis on the open road, covers over 1200 km and imposes a 90-hour time limit.
===Bicycles and war===
Baris ka-260:
* [[ISO 5775]] Bicycle tire and rim designations
* ISO 8090 Cycles &mdash; Terminology (same as BS 6102-4)
* ISO 4210 Cycles &mdash; Safety requirements for bicycles
==See also==
Baris ka-318:
* ''The Data Book: 100 Years of Bicycle Component and Accessory Design'', San Francisco: Van der Plas Publications, 2005, ISBN 1-892495-01-5.-->
== Tumbu kaluar ==
* The World's Bicycle Conference: [http://www.velomondial.net Velo Mondial]
Baris ka-424: