Balakutak: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-19:
'''Balakutak''' téh sato laut [[ordo (biologi)|ordo]] '''Sepiida''' anggota [[kelas (biologi)|kelas]] [[Cephalopoda]] (nu ogé ngawengku [[cumi-cumi]], [[gurita]], jeung [[nautilus]]). Ku kituna, balakutak teu kaasup kana golongan [[lauk]]. Di antara ciri-cirina anu penting, nyaéta boga [[cangkang sato|cangkang]] jero, [[panon]] gedé, dalapan leungeun, sarta dua [[téntakel]] nu reunceum ku panyoco.
Balakutak boga struktur jero nu loba porina nu disebut ''cuttlebone'', nu eusina [[kalsium karbonat]], sangkan bisa ngambang. Ngambangna ieu diatur ku cara ngarobah babandingan cairan jeung gas nu aya di jerona. <!--Each species has a distinct shape, size, and pattern of ridges or texture on the "bone". Cuttlebones are traditionally used by jewellers and silversmiths as moulds for [[casting]] small objects. They are probably better known today as the tough material given to [[parakeet]]s and other cage birds as a source of dietary [[calcium]]. The cuttlebone is unique to cuttlefish, one of the features contrasting them with their squid relatives.
Baris 31 ⟶ 32:
Cuttlefish have [[ink]], like squid and [[octopus]]es. This ink was formerly an important [[dye]], called [[sepia tone|sepia]]. Today artificial dyes have replaced natural sepia.
Cuttlefish eat small [[mollusca|mollusc]]s, [[crab]]s, [[shrimp]], [[fish]] and other cuttlefish. Their predators are [[shark]]s, fish, and other cuttlefish. They live about 1 to 2 years.-->
==Cuttlefish as food==
Cuttlefish are caught for food in [[Mediterranean]], and [[East Asia]]n cultures. Although squid is more popular as a restaurant dish all over the world, in East Asia dried cuttlefish is a highly popular convenience [[snack food]].
Cuttlefish is especially popular in [[Italy]] used in ''[[Risotto]] Nero'' and in the [[Croatia]]n ''[[Risotto Nero|Crni Rižot]]'', practically the same recipe, originated most probably from Venice, then spread across both coasts of the Adriatic. "Nero" and "Crni" mean black, the color the rice turns because of the cuttlefish ink. [[Spanish cuisine]], especially that of the coastal regions, greatly appreciates cuttlefish and squid ink for cooking due to the marine flavor and smoothness that it provides to the meals and it is hence included in dishes such as rice, pasta and fish stews.
==Cuttlefish in literature==
Cuttlefish made their most important literary appearance in the title of [[Eugenio Montale|Eugenio Montale's]] ground-breaking debut collection of poetry entitled '''Cuttlefish Bones''' (''Ossi di seppia''), published in [[Turin]] in 1925. Montale, who grew up in [[Liguria]] along the [[Mediterranean Sea]], was awarded the [[Nobel Prize for Literature]] in 1975, for his long and prolific career. '''Cuttlefish Bones''' remains one of the best-known and influential collections of 20th-century poetry.-->
Baris 56 ⟶ 49:
****Ordo [[Cumi-cumi Buntet|Sepiolida]]: cumi-cumi buntet
****Ordo [[Cumi-cumi|Teuthida]]: cumi-cumi
Balakutak ilahar dituang ku masarakat [[Méditerania]] jeung [[Asia]]. Di [[Itali]], balakutak dipaké dina ''[[Risotto]] Nero'', atawa mun di [[Kroasia]] mah disebutna téh ''[[Risotto Nero|Crni Rižot]]''. Ciri katuangan ieu taya lian ti rasa jeung panémbong tina 'mangsi'na anu hideung (''nero'' jeung ''crni'' téh hartina 'hideung'). Kitu deui di [[Spanyol]], ayana mangsi ieu nyiptakeun 'rasa laut' anu dipikaresep.
Dina dunya sastra, balakutak kawentar alatan judul kumpulan sajak [[Eugenio Montale]] nu judulna '''Tulang Balakutak''' (''Ossi di seppia''), medal di [[Turin]] taun [[1925]]. Montale, nu gedé di [[Liguria]], wewengkon basisir [[Laut Méditerania]], dileler [[Hadiah Nobel widang Sastra]] taun [[1975]], pikeun ngahirup-huripkeun dunya sastra.
==Tumbu kaluar==