Wikipedia:Hak cipta: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-72:
# Submissions from the celebrity themselves or a legal representatives of the celebrity.
== Hak jeung kawajiban kontributor ==
== Contributors' rights and obligations ==
Mun anjeun nyumbangkeun bahan ka Wikipédia, hartina anjeun ngalisénsikeun éta karya ka umum dina panangtayungan GFDL (with no invariant sections, front-cover texts, or back-cover texts).
If you contribute material to Wikipedia, you thereby license it to the public
Pikeun nyumbang, hartina anjeun kudu dina kaayaan ngajamin lisénsi ieu nu maksudna
under the GFDL (with no invariant sections, front-cover texts, or back-cover
* anjeun ngapimilik hakcipta bahan nu dimaksud, misalna kusabab mémang anjeun nu nyiptakeunana, atawa
* anjeun nyokot bahanna ti sumber nu ngawenangkeun ngalisénsi dina panangtayungan GFDL, misal kusabab bahanna aya dina [[domain umum]] atawa mémang geus ti dituna medal dina panangtayungan GFDL.
In order to contribute, you therefore must be in a position to grant this
license, which means that either
* you own the copyright to the material, for instance because you produced it yourself, or
* you acquired the material from a source that allows the licensing under GFDL, for instance because the material is in the [[public domain]] or is itself published under GFDL.
In the first case, you retain copyright to your materials. You can later republish and relicense them in any way you like. However, you can never retract the GFDL license for the versions you placed here: that material will remain under GFDL forever. In the second case, if you incorporate external GFDL materials, as a requirement of the GFDL, you need to acknowledge the authorship and provide a link back to the network location of the original copy. If the original copy required invariant sections, you have to incorporate those into the Wikipedia article; it is however very desirable to replace GFDL texts with invariant sections by original content without invariant sections whenever possible.
In the first case, you retain copyright to your materials.
You can later republish and relicense them in any way you like.
However, you can never retract the GFDL license for the versions you placed here: that material will remain under GFDL forever.
In the second case, if you incorporate external GFDL materials, as a requirement of the GFDL, you need to
acknowledge the authorship and provide a link
back to the network location of the original copy.
If the original copy required invariant sections, you have to incorporate
those into the Wikipedia article; it is however very desirable to replace GFDL texts with invariant sections by original content without invariant sections whenever possible.
=== UsingMigunakeun copyrightedkarya workhak fromcipta othersbatur ===
If you use part of a copyrighted work under "[[fair use]]", or if you obtain special permission to use a copyrighted work from the copyright holder under the terms of our license, you must make a note of that fact (along with names and dates). It is our goal to be able to freely redistribute as much of Wikipedia's material as possible, so original images and sound files licensed under the GFDL or in the [[public domain]] are greatly preferred to copyrighted media files used under fair use. See [[Wikipedia:Boilerplate request for permission]] for a form letter asking a copyright holder to grant us a license to use their work under terms of the GFDL.
Baris 101 ⟶ 91:
Note that copyright law governs the ''creative expression'' of ideas, not the ideas or information themselves. Therefore, it is perfectly legal to read an encyclopedia article or other work, reformulate it in your own words, and submit it to Wikipedia. (See [[plagiarism]] and [[fair use]] for discussions of how much reformulation is necessary in a general context.)
=== LinkingNumbukeun toka copyrightedkarya worksnu mibanda hak cipta ===
Linking to copyrighted works is usually not a problem, as long as you have made a reasonable effort to determine that the page in question is not violating ''someone else's'' copyright. If it is, please do ''not'' link to the page. Whether such a link is contributory infringement is currently being debated in the courts, but in any case, linking to a site that illegally distributes someone else's work sheds a bad light on us.